Chapter 32- Predator and Prey

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Did not want to leave you guys hanging for long.


Areisha looked down at the chains suppressing her sentiral power. As far as she knew, it was made of the same crystal as their sentiral stone, except that it was designed to hold on to Sentire criminals throughout the years. She also knew that they were difficult to acquire, so it led her to conclude that the people who took her and her draeling had some powerful connections in higher places.

After Alec Arden had left the bookstore, Emera decided she wanted to follow him. She was helpless in front of her draeling's eagerness and went along with her whims. Unfortunately, as they were passing by an alley, some son of bitch sprayed a green chemical on their faces.

Emera fell quickly, but Areisha tried to hold on and leave behind a clue. She failed and succumbed to the darkness.

When she woke up, she was inside a cage floating over a warehouse. Emera floated in a smaller cage next to hers. Seeing that her draeling was unconscious but otherwise fine, she took a closer note of her surroundings to find a way out.

Next, she looked for a window and found that it was nighttime. Judging from the sounds in the distance, she was somewhere in the first region of the academy skyland, not too far from the docks.

She looked down at the warehouse and found her captors moving about cargo in and out of the place. Judging by their hurried pace, it did not take a genius to guess that they were trying to escape. As she continued to observe them, her fists slowly clenched. Looking closely, she found that the covered cargo was shaking and moving about. She could also hear growls, roars, and all sorts of animal sounds from there.

Animal traffickers...again.

It had only been two months ago when Emera was abducted by traffickers back in her home city, and it happened once more. The only difference this time around was that Areisha was taken too.

Raising her chained hands, she pinched the spot between her brows. She took a deep breath and calmly took note of her options.

Option one was to hold on. Knowing Gael, he probably already knew what happened and was probably scouring the place. She winced at the fate awaiting these bastards at his hands. The warehouse was going to be filled with ash.

Option two was to escape.

She paused.

Who was she kidding? She always chose the option to escape. She had been kidnapped so many times before that she could get out of her situation with her eyes closed.

The bastards were dumb enough to not chain her feet and even chained her hands in front of her. She stretched her arms and found that the chain length was more than a foot long. They should've kept it short. But sentire suppressing chains were rare so they probably couldn't afford to be picky about its length.

The gaps between the bars of her cage were small, but she would be able to squeeze through just fine...although it would be a bit tight around her chest and bottom.

She looked up and found that the cage hung from a large beam. If she could get up there, she would be able to stand and walk on it towards Emera's cage. Emera's cage had just enough space for her to put her weight on, so she would need—

Areisha paused as she caught sight of two other cages next to Emera's. There she saw familiar white and ruby-scaled draelings. She palmed her forehead and proceeded to look for signs of the twins. If Uby and Dia were here, then Solana and Knox would be around as well.

She inched over to the edge of her cage and looked down at the cage just below her to the side. There, she found the twins sprawled on the floor of their cage, both unconscious.

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