Chapter 35-Unwanted Memories

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Alec woke up to the twittering of birds from outside his window. The moment he opened his eyes, he noticed how...refreshed and relaxed he felt. It was the best sleep he had in weeks since Crimson passed. He rolled over, pressing his face against the pillow. The bed was warmer, and the sheets and pillows softer than before. Which was strange because he knew they were the same stuff he'd been using.

For once, he felt too lazy to get out of bed.

When he looked at the clock on his wall, he found it was almost noon.

He sat up at once, sheets pooling on his lap. When was the last time he slept in?

With a small groan, he dragged himself off the bed and headed to the bathroom.

Since he was not covered in blood, Gael must have wiped it all off. However, he still felt gross all over and decided to take a quick shower.

As he passed the large mirror above the sink, he paused and his face scrunched. Gael had dressed him in black pajamas...covered in small chubby stars. It was one of the gifts Katarin had sent along with the rest of his clothes. He had kept it in the back of the closet because of the childish designs.

Somehow, Gael found it and decided to make him wear it.

Now that he had it on, he found that it was the most comfortable sleepwear he had ever worn. The stars covering it, which looked childish to him at first, did not seem that way anymore. He kind of...liked it.

His mind wandered.

Now that he thought of it, his room was the only one in the house with a ceiling decorated like the starry night sky. Some of his clothes and accessories had minor star-like designs on them as well. Gael had once even mentioned the perfect spots near the house if he ever decided to stargaze...

Did Gael think that he liked stars or the night sky a lot? Because he did like stars and anything about the night sky. But not so much that he'd decorate his surroundings and own objects with related decors.

He couldn't remember the age when he stopped wanting these things for himself. For a time, seeking the next hunt was all that mattered to him.

The reflection on the mirror showed one hand running over the star-designs on his right sleeve. He also noticed the small smile that played on his lips as he did so.

"I guess it's fine," he told himself. "Adults can own things that they wanted but couldn't get in their childhood."

With one last glance at the mirror, discarded his clothes and entered the shower.

Minutes later, he finished getting dressed and headed downstairs.

"Gael!" he called. "Why did you not wake me up?"

Silence answered his call. He frowned and headed for Gael's study, finding it empty except for the clutter of papers and books all over the room. From there, he proceeded to look all over the house and even knocked on his bedroom.

Gael wasn't home.

"Strange," he muttered. "Knowing him, he would have left a note."

Back in his room, he reached for the commu-crima on his bedside table. There were no missed calls on it.

He was about to connect a call to Gael's device when he paused. Brows furrowed at the commu-crima in his hand, before stuffing it back inside his clothes.

Why was he looking for him? Gael was a grown-ass man. He could take care of himself.

Making lunch was a better use of his time. With his mind decided on what he was going to do, he went back down to the kitchens and whipped himself some lunch.

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