Chapter 34-The Eye

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A deep sigh left Gael's mouth as he tucked Alec under the covers. He spent the better half of the hour cleaning the blood off and changing him into his pajamas. He sat on the bed, reaching out to run a hand through Alec's hair. The younger man leaned into his touch and continued to sleep with the most peaceful expression he had ever seen on his face. Except for the time he was bedridden from his manifestation, Alec was a light sleeper. In the first few days when Alec arrived, he knew that he'd bolt awake every time he woke up to prepare breakfast. This was why Gael had started to wait for Alec to get up first before making any noise.

But the way he was right now, Gael believed that he would not have to worry about interrupting his sleep anymore. He remained asleep no matter how loud he had been. Like he believed and trusted that he would be fine under Gael's watch.

His mind went back to the thoughts Alec had during their talk earlier that night.

'I'm safe right it would be fine to sleep?'

He had loosened the seal on his sentiral ability to help detect any stragglers. In that state, he could only listen to surface thoughts and none of the deeper ones. However, there were cases when a thought that was accompanied by intense emotions would push through the weakened seal and reach him. The immense relief and vulnerability that filled the thought was enough to carry it to him.

It made him wonder how long Alec had felt...unsafe. Ever since they left Gelun? Or did he even get good sleep back in his little cabin in Gelun?

Remembering that, caused him to recall the thought that nearly made him cry.

'Why now? Why didn't I meet you when I needed someone the most?'

The longing, loneliness, and sorrow that accompanied it made him want to reach out to the little child and embrace him in his arms. Doing that would have scared Alec, which was the only reason he held back.

Running his hand through Alec's hair one more time, his hand moved to pet Alec's arm. "I'm sorry, kiddo," he whispered. "I'm here now, and...I hope you'll accept me eventually."

With that, he stood and headed for the door. He paused and looked up at the ceiling. The decorations stuck above resembled the stars of the night sky—exactly how he ordered Rowe to do. It mutely reflected some light coming from moons and Alec's lamp.

Something was missing from the décor though.

His mind eventually came to a conclusion. I'll ask Rowe to add the twin moons. Alec likes the moons.

Closing the door behind him softly, he made his way downstairs. Tonight was going to be both busy and messy.

As he walked, the softness and warmth he reserved for the special people in his life started to melt away from his countenance. Coldness seeped into his green eyes and the air around him threatened to cut anyone who got too close.

When he stepped out of his home, he wasn't Gael Fenrin. He was the Monster of Ash once more.

His private subordinates and the academy's security fell silent when his eyes fell on them.

"Let's go."

Asher arrived at his side and growled.


The animal traffickers were taken into the prisons beneath Serene City. He found that they were regular criminals working under the orders of the man from Whispers, and not even directly part of the organization. They knew nothing of the deeper workings so he sent them to the city prisons.

The man from Whispers, on the other hand, was taken to a place much older and darker than any prison on the skyland. The dungeons of Draeyer Academy's main building had stood for centuries and held many people who had threatened the safety of the institution. Rumors of screams and ghosts kept the students away from the area.

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