Chapter 31-A New Hunt

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That night, Gael arrived at Star Dorm with five members of the academy security and took away the intruder. Alec was left behind to assure everyone that everything was fine and the intruder was apprehended. He did not give too much detail to not cause panic among the students.

Before dawn arrived, Gael came stumbling through the door, tripping over his own feet from his fatigue. Alec caught him before he could hit the floor, and he dumped him on the living room couch. Seeing how tired he was, Alec was not cruel enough to impose the "no-sugar-water/coffee" rule he imposed the previous day. So, when Gael woke up he already had a steaming mug on the dining table next to a plate of eggs, bacon, and some lettuce.

"Did the guy say anything?" Alec asked.

Gael rubbed his eyes and yawned. "We got the location of the supposed meet-up, and promised the intruder protection if he helps us find those sons of bitches," he said. "I already sent someone to tail the intruder to see if we can find the nest of those insects."

Apparently, Gael was more prone to cursing when he did not get enough sleep. Alec nodded, before continuing his meal. As they ate in silence, Alec contemplated sharing what he had been thinking about the entire night. It was only a speculation, but the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

"What is it?" Gael quickly noticed his hesitation. Alec wondered why Gael always seemed to be paying attention to his moods but quickly shook his head.

"About the thief," he began. "He seems to be working together with Whispers, and maybe some other criminal groups. Seeing as there are traffickers in Serene City, maybe he got help from them to enter the skyland."

The older man's gaze met his, before nodding. "I have the same suspicions," Gael said. "Entering and escaping on the back of a mind-contr-I mean Crimson, would not have been enough to escape the attention of the city guards and Ryders. I'd been looking up possible suspects that could have helped him, and it looks like now have a clue."

Alec relaxed. With Gael around, he did not need to worry much.

"My younger brother is so smart, like me," Gael said. "He's also thoughtful enough to give me my special coffee, even though he banned it yesterday. Oh...and also prepared breakfast."

"Shut up and eat!" Alec grumbled. Around the others, he only got embarrassed one or two times, but with Gael...

I feel like a little kid under Alen's care all over again.

With that realization, Alec fell quiet. Now that he thought about it, Gael and Alen were similar in a way. Not completely the same, but...sometimes he saw Alen in Gael.

They both enjoyed teasing him. Both of them were skilled in combat and very intelligent. They can switch moods in mere seconds. Gael scared him sometimes like Alen did. And... Gael was also very protective, kind, and caring.

It was both reassuring and scary, how quickly he was falling into the long-lost sibling act.

His hands clenched around his dining utensils. What in Blazen is wrong with me? I've been fine on my own. I don't need a new family! I'm going to leave eventually.

"Are you okay, Alec?" Gael brought him back from his stormy thoughts. "You're usually silent, but this time you seem to have a storm brewing-"

"Drop it."

"But I'm conce-"

"It's nothing for you to be concerned about."

Alec's tone was even and calm like always, but he might as well have shouted. Regret filled him when he saw the hurt that flashed in Gael's eyes. He stood up, leaving his unfinished breakfast, and headed out the front door with a mumbled excuse.

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