𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐝

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Through ups and downs
Through smiles and pouts
Comfort crowd
You can always count



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Davina Hernandez

I walk out of the shower with a warm towel wrapped around my hair and body as I smell and feel fresh.

Little drops of water follow me as I walk towards the bathroom door to leave.

Luna said she was coming over about an hour ago so I shoved myself under cold ass water to become alive again.

Even though today was not a good day, I'm trying to make myself forget about it by thinking of other things, such as things I've lost.

Where is my stupid hair brush?

I remember as a kid, Ryan once told me I was mean and I took a heavy hairbrush and slung it towards his big head.

I only almost poked an eye out but that's it.

Changing into a pair of grey sweats and a white cropped fitted top, I then pull on some socks and brush my hair feeling much better.

I apply some lip balm on before slinging open my door to go downstairs.

The sounds of my footsteps ring through the upper floor killing the silence.

My house is pretty big but it's just as cozy. The main colours of my home being cream, white, black and green with a little touch of every other colour.

A large frame of my parents holding 2 tiny little toddlers at a beach, being Ryan and I, hangs from the left side of the wall making me smile as I look at it.

Even when I've felt like everyone seems to bid their farewells to me they never leave me.

I climb down the final step of the stairs and hear a pair of voices booming from ahead so I walk closer towards it.

Peeking my head through, I see mum and dad sat in front of the TV with a bowl of what looks like popcorn and hands filled with two steaming mugs.

They seem to be... arguing?

"Amor, that's Monica, not Marley." Dad throws a piece of popcorn at mum's head making her gasp and then look away scoffing.

I giggle walking further inside and see them both turning their heads to look at me with wide eyes.

Dad breaks into a smile patting the place beside him, "I'm so happy you came down querida." My mum nods hugging me to her side quickly as I sat down.

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