Chapter 4

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Another stupid party. I brushed my hair out of my face, it had grown out quite a bit I had it half up half down as it went to my shoulders. My hair is dark brown and kinda looks like it's black. My startling blue eyes scanned around the room for Kaid. I tugged at the buttons of my shirt until the buttons came undone. I rolled up the sleeve of my shirt and I tightened my belt.

I walked through the crowd of people and made my way to Kaid. He smiled at me but I kept my stoic expression. "Wouldn't kill you to smile y'know" he joked but I rolled my eyes. "I won't show weakness by showing emotions" I said my voice cold. "Pretty sure I saw you smile at the last party" he teased. "It was fake you know what those general's are like" I responded. "But you smiled at me though" he said. I sighed "a moment of weakness baby girl" I said. The corner of my mouth wanted to curl into a smirk but I tried to fight it. Kaid blushed at what I called him. "Baby girl? I...I like that" Kaid whispered shyly.

Me and Kaid went to the dance floor and we did a slow dance. I grabbed Kaid's waist and pulled him close "your a good boy aren't you?" I said my voice going deep and I could tell I sent a shiver down Kaid's spine. "What a good boy" I whispered seductively into his ear.

We went outside and stood under the moonlight together. Then we kissed his tongue dancing with mine. I placed my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.


"Hey Logan" I heard Kaid call for me "we just Kidnapped a girl" I closed my eyes and shook my head. "I guess I'll go pay her a visit" I mumbled.

I walked into the dark room and saw a girl huddled into a corner a soldier antagonizing her. "That's enough leave" I commanded. "Yes sir!" The soldier said before leaving the room. I walked towards the girl my footsteps slow and precise. "Don't hurt me! I have kids!" The girl cried out. I paused but then carried on walking towards her. "I'm pregnant!" She cried out my eyes stayed cold but something felt like I shouldn't be doing this.

I crouched down in front of her. "did they tell you why you were brought here?" I asked calmly. She shook her head. I sighed "I'm sorry..." I whispered "how far along are you?" She was trembling and frightened. "Six months..." She whispered. I nodded my head slightly and looked at the bump on her stomach then I looked back up at her face.


I was arguing with Rorke about the girl that had been kidnapped. "She's fuckin pregnant! I thought we said no to kidnapping pregnant people!" I screamed at him. "Well I changed my mind! If people see us as monsters and villains we will be ones!" He shouted back.


A soldier had tried to kick the girl and I was shielding her with my body and taking the hits for her. She was screaming for the soldier to stop.

After the attack was over I hugged her tightly. "I'm okay... I'm okay it's over now... everything is okay" I whispered. I held her close. I still didn't show emotion


She was throwing up and I held her hair back so it wouldn't get in the way. "Just get it all out" I whispered softly.

I brought her some food. I couldn't let her stay here. So I planned to get her out of here.


I managed to get some transport and I went to her cell. "Get in the blanket" I instructed. She looked up at me with her green eyes. "Why? What do you plan to do" she asked weary about what I planned to do with her. "Just trust me okay?" I said. She laid in the blanket and I wrapped it around her so her entire body was covered.

Then I picked her up bridal style and started to walk out of her cell with her in my arms. "Act like your dead..." I whispered. I walked past the guards. "what's that?" One asked. "She died I'm taking her body and dumping it away from base" I said my voice emotionless. The guards nodded in understanding and let me take her away.


I put her in the back of the car and drove off base. I drove for miles it was midnight and I was still driving.

"You know you can get out the blanket we're far enough from the base now" I said looking into the mirror to see her still covered in the blanket. I heard shuffling that suggested she was climbing out the blanket. "My stomach hurts" she whispered. "How far along are you now?" I asked keeping my eyes in the road. "Nine months..." She whispered. My eyes widened. "Are you in labour?" I asked softly. "I think so..." She whispered looking towards me.

I pulled the car over. "there isn't a hospital anywhere near here the next town isn't for miles. Doubt we'd make it in time" I whispered to her as I turned around in my seat to look at her. She looked so scared.

My phone pinged. It was a message from Kaid.

Logan where are you? Can't find you
Love from Kaid XX

I sighed as I typed back.

I just have some business to
attend to. I won't be back for a few days. Xx

I looked back at the girl. "I'll be by your side if you want" I said my voice soft. She nodded her eyes filling with tears.


Some time had passed and she was now holding her newborn baby. I kept my expression blank but my chest felt warm. The corner of my mouth twitched slightly but my expression stayed blank. "You did it" I said. She smiled at me and I climbed back into the drivers seat.

I started to drive again. I was driving for miles occasionally looking in the mirror to check if the girl was okay.


We reached a city and I drove for a few hours until I reached a street. I parked into the hospital carpark and got out the car. I walked to the back and opened the door for her. I helped her out the car and helped her walk to the hospital reception. "She gave birth she needs a room" I told the receptionist.

We were lead to a room and I helped the girl into the bed. "Is there anyone I could call?" I asked. She nodded "my mom... my mom.... here's her number" she said, her voice was weak from all the screaming she had done during her labour. I nodded and dialed the number.


After some time her mom rushed into the room and instantly hugged the girl. As I turned to leave. "Wait!" I heard the girl call out. I stopped and turned to face her "I know you work for the people who kidnapped me but I feel like you don't act like the others... you look like the missing Ghost that I saw on the TV..." She said. I shook my head "I'm not a ghost. I'm a Ghost killer" I said my voice neutral. "Either way your a good person underneath all the bad stuff you do" she said with a smile. I nodded my head in respect then left the hospital.

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