Chapter 8

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The ghosts were all tied to chairs in a semi circle. Rorke stood in front of them. I was stood on the left of Rorke.

"Calm down Hesh I haven't even started with you yet" Rorke spat at the youngest who was yelling at the top of his lungs that he will kill Rorke for hurting the oldest Ghost.

Hesh? I've heard that name before.

I looked at the youngest Ghost. He looked angry. "Ghost killer shut him up will you?" Rorke ordered and I stepped towards Hesh my eyes cold and emotionless. I slapped him hard then stepped back to my original position.

"Now Merrick where were we?" Rorke asked the oldest Ghost.

Merrick? I've heard that name before as well.

I looked at Merrick and took in his features. He looked familiar. Why?

I stood up straight and waited for orders. Rorke carried on interrogating them.

"Last but not least Keegan" Rorke said his voice sinister.

I've heard that name before as well.

I looked behind me and just as I did a dog pounced on me causing my mask to fall off.

"Logan?!" I heard Hesh shout in surprise. My heart was pounding in my chest. I pushed the dog off.

"Riley sit!" I heard Hesh command the dog. The dog sat and looked at me confused it's head cocked to the side.

I looked towards the Ghosts, they all had a surprised look on their face.

I looked at Rorke who looked scared that my face had been revealed. "Brother!" Hesh shouted "brother it's me Hesh! Please remember me!"

I stood back up and walked back to my original position. "Don't listen to him Logan he's just mistaken you for someone else" Rorke said trying to make sure I wouldn't find out the truth. And I believed him.


It had been hours and we hadn't got any information from the Ghosts. Keegan just kept staring at me. A slight blush on his face. I brushed it off as nothing.

"Logan" Keegan said his voice soft "I love you" my eyes widened when he said that. "No you don't. You don't know me" I said before leaving the room.


It had been a few weeks since we captured the Ghosts and they were still tied up. We were just waiting for orders but I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened a few weeks ago.

Then I heard the alarms go off. "The Ghosts have escaped" came Rorkes voice through the intercom.


We have been searching for hours and we haven't found them. All we've found is dead bodies of our own men. We had decided to declare that they had escaped successfully.

Rorke wasn't happy but there's nothing we can do. They had escaped.


We were in a city doing the usual. Killing and kidnapping people.i was tired of this. I snuck away from my team.

As I wandered the streets I got dragged into a building by an unknown person. I tried to fight back. "Shhh shhh I ain't trying to hurt you kid" came a gruff voice.

I turned around to see Keegan looking down at me. "What do you want?" I asked coldly. He sighed and grabbed my waist. "I love you kid please believe me." He said his hand rubbing my sides causing me to shiver. "you don't know me" I said.

He sighed "I do kid. You just don't remember. Rorke is lying to you. You were never meant to be federation. You were a Ghost but got captured." He whispered "they tortured you and brainwashed you to work for them. Don't. Trust. Rorke" he then walked away.


I was back at base and I couldn't stop thinking about Keegan and his words.


Another round of injections and a new injection had been used.


I was leaning against a wall in the corridor when Rorke entered and I started to blush.

He smirked and pinned me against the wall. He started to kiss my neck. His hands roaming around my body before finally settling at my hips. "My handsome Ghost killer" he whispered seductively into my ear. He kissed me passionately on my lips.


I went back to my room and laid in bed. Me and Rorke had become official and it didn't sit right with me. I then fell asleep into an uneasy sleep.

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