Chapter 13

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I was dragged out of the pit after months of Torture. My hair soaked from a mixture of sweat and rain. I was barely clothed so I was shivering and covered in mud. The soldiers dragged me into a room for another round of torture.

They dragged me to a chair that was in the middle of the room. "Patient 683 clear for the next round of torture. Initiate the first round of injections" one of the lab scientists declared. I sat there with my eyes closed. I couldn't remember anything. Why couldn't I remember anything?

I opened my eyes and stared straight at the scientists. My eyes full of furry. I can't let this happen...

I tried to pull against the restraints but I was hit in the head and knocked unconscious. The room was dark and the only light that was in the room was from the small window in front of me.

I woke up in pain and I realised I was being tazered. Rorke walked in and grinned at me "oh my... My Ghost killer tried to turn against me what a shame" he mocked me. "I was never your Ghost killer" despite being tazered my voice was cold and calm. I didn't scream or beg for mercy. Rorke didn't deserve to see me crumble and fall. I will get the truth eventually. "But you were, and you still will be when I break you yet again." He said before turning and leaving.

I glared daggers into the back of his skull. "YOU CAN'T BREAK ME AGAIN! I'LL FIND THE WHOLE TRUTH AND YOU WILL FALL TO YOUR DOOM!!" I yelled at him as the door closed.


I was sat in the pit yet again. The rain falling through the bars above me. I had to get out but I don't remember anything.

"You still know how to fight!" Came a voice from the pit next to mine.

"W...who are you?" I asked the voice. I heard a small laugh and some shuffling "you will know me as Neptune...I work with the Ghosts.... I used to work with you...I helped you and the Ghosts through the mission 'clockwork' I was saying the orders through the communications" the voice replied.

Neptune...I kind of remember...

"Neptune? Why are you here?" I asked him in a shaky voice "are they trying to turn you against the Ghosts to?" I heard a sigh and I knew it wouldn't be good news. "No... they're going to kill me..." Neptune replied.

I can't let that happen... I have to get him out.

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