Chapter 17

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I walked behind Merrick and Hesh as my dad spoke as we prepared to get some rest. "Does something feel off to you?" Merrick asked looking at us all. My dad walked over to a screen and checked some stuff. "Everything seems normal" my dad replied. I looked at my brother who looked nervous.

It was as if something was telling me to back away so I started to back up and try to get out of the room but I wasn't fast enough and tear gas started to get thrown into the room from the windows. "Riley! Hide!" I heard my dad shout at our German shepherd. Riley ran out the room to hide. clever boy.

As the tear gas started to take effect, I felt my eyes water and I collapsed next to my dad and passed out.


I woke up to see that we were being dragged somewhere and I tried to look around but I passed out yet again.

I woke up slightly and heard Merrick yelling at some federation soldiers as they gave him a good beating. Then. I passed out again.


Everything was black but I could hear a voice. "Well well look who we have here" I heard a man say. I slowly started to open my eyes. "Ah your awake good" Rorke said grabbing my chin and making me look at him "it's nice to have the family back together, isn't it?" then he let my chin and my head hung low and I had no energy to do anything in that moment. "We're just missing our quiet friend" Rorke mocked my dad "where's Keegan?"

"You know I'm not telling you a damn thing" my dad said trying to stay calm. "No? Let's see if I can change your mind" Rorke said as he grabbed his pistol from his holster and aiming it at me. I flinched. Then he shot me in my shoulder and I could hear my brother shouting at Rorke. "No!" My dad yelled out and Hesh started to try to get free but he couldn't. "Bitch I'm going to kill you!" Hesh yelled.

"Easy junior I haven't even started with you yet" Rorke told Hesh. "Logan! Logan! Look at me son!" I heard my dad tell me and I looked up at him. My body was ridged as I tried to get through the pain. "That's right. You look at him. That's it. Show him how much pain he's causing you" Rorke taunted.

"Funny thing about your old man. He lets his own men die to save his own ass" Rorke said walking from behind my dad and back in front of me.

That's not true about my dad...

"Damn it Rorke!" My dad yelled as his anger started to boil "this is between you and me! Leave my boys out of it!" I felt a lump in my throat as I watched the interaction play out in front of me. "Your talking to a superior lieutenant. Show some dicepline" Rorke spat at my dad. "you were never one of us! Your not a Ghost!" My dad spat back.

"Well that's just because I'm better than you! Rorke said just before he punched my dad in the face "I'll always be better than you! But you! You call yourself a Ghost!? Your nothing you and your son's are dead your name dies with you"

My anger started to boil and I started to fight against the ropes holding me to the chair. I managed to break free and grab Rorkes gun and I fought him pushing the gun so it wasn't pointing at my dad but Rorke was too strong. "Oh he's still got a little bit of life in him!" Rorke laughed "didn't he ever teach you not to aim guns at people? They could go off" he said as he pushes the gun to point at my dad and shot him.

No! Dad!

I pushed against him trying to stop the gun pointing at my dad. "That's it... just a little bit more than way... point" he said through grunts.

"Damn it Rorke stop!" Hesh yelled but it was useless. Then Rorke pulled the trigger again and hit me with the gun sending me falling to the floor.

I landed with a thud and I looked towards my dad. "You got fire in you kid. I like that. Risking your life to save your captain" Rorke said "you could learn something from him, Elias"

"He's my son" my dad growled through the pain.

"Yeah...and he's going to get to watch you die" Rorke growled. I felt like crying. But I couldn't cry...not yet...

Rorke shot my dad three times in the chest then threw him to the floor next to me. Hesh was screaming and threatening Rorke.

"I'm proud of you Logan... everything is going to be...okay" my dad said to me and I looked at him with teary eyes.

"Dad..." I whimpered slightly.

Rorke then stepped on my dad's neck and aimed his gun at my dad head "oh your right Elias... I'm not a ghost..." Rorke growled "I'm the man that hunts them... And sends them back to the other side"

I heard the small click if the gun and I knew what was going on happen... with me...

Then the gun went off...


Rorke had left and it was just me and my brother and my now dead father...

"Dad...get fucking get up... please stop... don't do this... Dad please get up..." I cried. I cried harder and curled up into the fetal position...

Then everything faded to white...

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