chapter 15

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We lost Neptune as well and it seemed like we were losing people left, right and centre. I was on medical leave as I was declared unstable to work. My mind kept going back to what I saw at the lab...

Logan went through all that pain and we Keep failing to save him...

I was sat in my room trying to process what I had seen. My entire world was collapsing around me. I took in a shaky breath.

I walked out of my room and started to make my way to my medical appointment. I had to go through therapy and I hated it.


I was sat in front of the therapist and I refused to make eye contact with her. "So? What's on your mind?" She asked, her voice was as sweet as honey...I hate it...

"I don't want to speak..." I mumbled quietly. She wrote something on a clipboard and I felt a sense of panic rise in my chest. "Don't... don't... I'm fine to work!" I shouted at her. "When will you realise that something inside you is broken" she whispered "and it can never be fixed".

My eyes teared up "I'M NOT BROKEN!!" I yelled at her my anger boiling over. I stormed out of the room and bumped into Merrick. "Keegan!" He asked startled. I wanted to scream and cry and punch something. "Merrick..." I whispered. He grabbed my shoulder "what happened..." He asked me his voice soft and gentle as he spoke to me, not like the usual rough voice I had grown used to. "S...she said I'm broken... I'm not... I'm not...I just want my Logan back..." I whispered in response.

Merrick tightened his grip on my shoulder. "'re not stable enough to fight..." He whispered. I pulled away from him "I can fight, stop saying I'm not stable!" I shouted before running back to my room.

The fallen Ghost Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora