Chapter 6 - Friends

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CW: blood

After only a week, I already feel closer to everyone in the Fairy Fort than I've felt to anyone else. The day after Scott and I meet everyone, Lizzie and Ren give both of us enchanted diamond chestplates. They sparkle blue and purple in the sunlight.

Upon seeing our new chestplates, Scar walks over to us. "Look at how shiny you two are," he says, smiling. There's something different about his voice, but I can't pinpoint what it is.

Scott must notice it too, because he answers warily, "Lizzie just gave us these."

"Well, they look amazing," Scar responds. "And valuable. Although," he reaches inside his pocket and pulls out a rock. "This is even more valuable."

"What is it?" I ask. It doesn't seem to be anything special. Just a pretty green rock. "I'm glad you asked," Scar replies. "It's a magic luck crystal. The holder of this beautiful crystal will have everything go their way."

I'm about to ask a skeptical question when I meet Scar's forest-green eyes. All of a sudden, my thoughts are slow and sticky, as if my head has been filled with honey. Only one thought is clear. I need that crystal. And I'll give anything for it.

"I'll trade you my chestplate for the crystal," I say. Scott turns to me, and I dimly notice his shocked expression. I don't understand why he seems so surprised. A simple chestplate for a magic crystal! Anyone would want that.

"Scar! I told you not to use your powers on friends!" All of a sudden, my thoughts clear as Scar turns to face Cleo. I shake my head to pull myself together. What was I thinking?! An enchanted diamond chestplate for a shiny rock? Who in their right mind would agree to such a trade?

"How do you know he didn't agree to the deal himself?" Scar asks defensively. "Just because he agreed to the deal doesn't mean I used my powers on him." Cleo glares at him, and after a moment, Scar sighs. "Ok, yes, I used my powers on him. It was worth a shot." Cleo rolls her eyes, exasperated, before leaving.

"What did you do to me?" I ask. Scar turns to me with an apologetic smile. "My power is that I can make someone want an object more than anything else." He leans in before whispering, "I mostly use it on Bdubs to get him to trade me his dessert, but don't tell Mom."

"That sounds more like scamming than trading," Scott says arms crossed. Scar just shrugs. As much as I want to be mad at Scar, his goodnatured demeanor melts my anger away.

"Does Bdubs also have powers?" I originally thought both boys were human, but now that I know Scar's an unnatural, I can't help but wonder about Bdubs.

"Yeah, but his powers aren't as cool as mine," Scar says. "He can control small mammals, like rabbits and mice. It sounds cool, but it's not very useful."

"What about Joel?" Scott asks. Scar smiles as he says, "Joel's power is that he can control wolves, which is why he has so many. It's like a wolf army. The only wolf he doesn't ever control is Tilly, Pearl's wolf, because he knows Pearl would murder him on the spot."

I make a mental note to not get on Pearl's bad side. Cleo calls Scar over to help her with something, and Scott and I go on with our day.

Over the week, I mostly heal small injuries. A lot of them are from Scar and Bdubs, whenever they go on one of Scar's "adventures". The only serious injury I heal is when Joel accidentally looks an enderman in the eyes. He comes back to the Fairy Fort with four long scratches on his back from the enderman's clawlike fingers. His shirt is already soaked through with blood and he's pale as a sheet.

Lizzie starts to panic when she sees the condition Joel is in. Cleo, Ren, and BigB all do their best to calm her down while Pearl tries to keep Grian, Scar, and Bdubs away. Scott and I lead Joel to his house, where I have him sit down so I can heal him.

By the time the scratches are gone, my legs feel like they're made of jelly. Scott helps me over to a chair so I can sit down. My head is pounding so badly it hurts to think. Within a minute, Joel is giving me a strength potion. I try to refuse, but he won't hear of it. Just like when I healed Geraldine, the potion makes me feel better immediately.

"I'd better check on Lizzie," Joel says, seeming hesitant to leave me. I insist that I feel better, so he leaves the house.

Scott and I sit in silence for a minute before Scott asks, "If it hurts you so much, why are you so willing to heal people?"

I think for a moment before answering. "Because my pain from healing others always goes away eventually, and it's never fatal. But that's not always the case for other people's injuries. And anyways, it's the right thing to do. Anyone else would do the same thing."

"Anyone else would not do the same thing," Scott says emphatically. "Anyone else would have left me to die in that alleyway." I flinch at the memory of Scott lying in his own blood, but he continues. "When those boys attacked me and I realized that they were too strong for me, I thought I was dead. I knew humans wouldn't heal me and I thought that no unnaturals would risk revealing their power in order to heal me. But then you did exactly that." Scott looks directly at me as he says, "You saved my life. That's more than doing the right thing."

I'm not sure what to say to that, and luckily I don't have to think of a response. At that moment, Lizzie and Joel come into the house.

Lizzie immediately runs over to me and gives me a hug. "Thank you so much for healing Joel," she says. "We both owe you for this."

"Wait, you don't owe me anything," I protest. "I chose to heal him, I don't expect a reward. Besides, I wouldn't even know what to ask for."

"You can't think of anything you want?" Joel asks, eyebrow raised, and I can tell he doesn't believe me. I'm about to respond and say that I'm being serious when something comes to my mind and I hesitate. "Well," I start, "there is actually one thing." "Anything," Lizzie says.

I take a moment to phrase it in my head before saying, "I just have a few questions. Could we count that as a favor, if you answer my questions?" I say it directly to Lizzie, and she seems to understand.

"Of course," she says. "Why don't we head outside since the weather's so nice?" Joel moves to go with us, but Lizzie puts a hand on his arm and whispers something to him. His expression falls a little, but he steps back and nods.

Lizzie and I step into the sun. She leads me behind the castle, to a small, secluded garden and motions for me to sit down on an ornately carved stone bench. Once we're situated, Lizzie turns slightly to face me. "Well then," she prompts. "Ask away."

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