Chapter 3

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The auction seller lady walked up to me, as I'm still on the stage, and handed me a microphone. She leaned in, closer to my ear, and whispered, "Tell them about you. Come on" I hesitated. I hesitated to even breathe. Fuck, I'm hesitating to even live in this moment. Surely, I'm not up for sale.

"Um.." I said, nervously. That's not the best way to start my introduction. "Today's my 18th birthday. I love to, umm, watch movies. I workout, sometimes. I love cats. Anddd.. Yeah" I said. To me, the whole sentence came out shaky but, why does that matter. "Okay. We will start the biddings" The auction seller lady said after taking the microphone out of my hands. Of course, I had thought wrong once again. 

I tried to look for my table booth, finding it a few seconds later. A minute later, a mans voice got my full attention. "$1,000,000" A man said. Is that all he thinks I'm worth? Fuck no. Another minute went by as a man spoke up. "$100,000,000" I looked over at the man and holy shit is he fine. He's everything I has wished for this morning. 

"$100,000,000 to the nice man over there going once... Going twice... Sold!" The auction seller lady shouted. I'm sold to the fine man I wished for... He's everything I've ever wanted. This is not very ideal for meeting a handsome man like him this way. Not even meeting him technically. But a man buying me for that much money... Maybe this isn't such a bad way to meet someone. 

The auction seller lady led me backstage once again and took the necklace thing off of my neck, placing it in the trash. She led me to where the man would come and get me. Am I supposed to be this nervous? I should be, right? I mean, a good looking an like him and an ugly looking now woman like me being bought by him,... what should I expect. 

The very handsome man came about 10 minutes later to where I was waiting, his white over coat hanging from his arm. He offered his free arm to me, us interlinking arms a few seconds later. He walked us over to his nice car. His Mercedes Benz.

 He opened the passenger door for me as I got in and buckled my seat belt. He opened the rivers door a minute later, getting in and buckling his seat belt as well before taking off. 


He unlocked the front door, turning on the light as he walked in and set his coat on the couch. I took of my shoes and placed them on the provided shoe mat. He led me upstairs and into his bedroom. Well, our bedroom now. He started to unbutton his undershirt while I looked at him. 

"I'm not going to do anything without your permission, Kylie" He said. Kylie? He knows my name? How? "You know my name" I said, amused. Not as a question. He looked over at me, still unbuttoning his shirt as he nodded. I hummed in response. 

"What are you, an undercover cop?" I asked, jokingly. "God I'd hope not. I'm mafia king, sweetheart" He replied. Now that answer, it just leaves me even more shocked. A higher position than my parents... Amazing. That just means I have more power over them. Well not me but. You get what I mean. 

I nodded as his head was turned to his lap, well his shirt, still unbuttoning it. Does it take this long to unbutton a shirt. "Do you need help?" I asked, bringing his full attention to me. "Yes please" He replied as I got off the bed and walked over to the side of the bed he was sitting on. I looked down at his half-buttoned shirt and started to unbutton the one button he was stuck on, getting it undone a few seconds later. 

"Thank you" He said as I walked back over to where I was sitting. I just hummed in response. I was too close to him in my opinion. Shit, I'd let him do whatever he wanted to me. He doesn't even need to ask..

Shortly after, he turned off the light and turned on the fan, laying besides me in bed. 

"Goodnight, Kylie" He said. "Goodnight.." I started to say, not knowing his name. "Ryan, love" He said. "Goodnight Ryan" I said, finishing my sentence before drifting off into a deep sleep.

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