Chapter 4

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I woke up to an empty bed, no Ryan in my sight of vision. I got out of bed, still in his grey shirt that was way too big for me and nothing on for bottoms, and headed downstairs to go find him. I walked around the huge mansion before going into the kitchen and seeing the maid and chef talking to one another. 

"Uhm.. Where's Ryan?" I asked shyly. "He's on a mission right now" The maid answered as I nodded my head to show that I understood. A mafia king and the word mission goes perfectly together doesn't it.

I opened the fridge, grabbing the liter of orange juice as the maid put a glass cup on the counter besides me. I poured myself orange juice before sitting at the dining table and starting to scroll through my phone whilst waiting for Ryan to come home. 

As I was sitting in the living room watching tv, I heard the front door open and shut. I walked over to the front door, seeing Ryan place his shoes on the shoe mat. A few seconds later, he turned to face me. 

He smiled weakly, a new fresh cut on his lip. "Hi love" He said to me, still smiling weakly. I smiled back, almost terrified. "Hi" I replied as he walked past me and into the kitchen for food. I wonder how missions are in the mafia world...

I followed him into the kitchen, his back turned towards me as he's digging through the fridge for food. The chef interrupted when she asked him a question. "Would you like me to make you food sir?" The chef asked Ryan as he shook his head no. "No that's alright" He responded, the chef walking away. 

He grabbed an apple out of the fridge and took a seat besides me at the dining table. Why us he eating so little? Isn't he on a diet already? Well, it looks like it for sure. "Just an apple?" I questioned him, letting my mouth speak my mind truly. He looked over at me and hummed in response, nodding his head as I nodded mine as well.

He continued eating his apple as many thoughts roamed through my head. "Ryan" I said as he looked at me once again. "Where are my clothes..?" I asked as it looked like he never thought about that. He doesn't seem like he things of anything but it's whatever. 

"I'll go shopping for you today. You can just stay here and relax" He said to me, getting up and putting his shoes back on, leaving with his bodyguards. I sighed. Today will be a long day without anyone to accompany me.. Damn. I really do need to make friends.

Ryan seems like a nice guy. Especially romantic. It seems like it comes naturally for him. How does that even happen? I know we just met but, he's everything I wished for. A handsome, caring man. And the fact that he's a mafia? Even better. But, I'm not so sure if I even should develop feelings for him. It just sorta feels wrong every time I think of it. 


Ryan didn't come home till a few hours later, placing his shoes on the shoe mat once again. He texted me a little before telling me he already had dinner so I made myself dinner. It's like he's a... Cold husband even though we're not dating. He really needs to stop playing with my emotions.

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