Chapter 9

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I woke up with the sun in my face, Ryan still asleep besides me. I got out of bed, opening the curtains just to annoy him. He groaned and moved just a bit, like a little kid who has problems staying still at night..

"Rise and shine!" I exclaimed, slightly shouting as he pulled the covers over his head. I walked over to his side of the bed, grabbing the covers and pulling them down as he groaned. "You have work today. Come on" I said as he sighed, playfully.

He sat up, still sitting on the bed and tubbing his eyes as he's still tired. I chuckled to my self before grabbing his forearms, leading him to stand up. He finally stood up without me supporting him, walking to his closet and shutting the door behind him as I did the same.

A few minutes later, I came out dressed as I walked to the bathroom to finish my morning routine. A few minutes into my morning routine, I heard Ryan's closet door open and shut. When I heard his footsteps coming closer and closer, I turned my head to the open door. 

Ryan walked through, standing besides me as I was sitting down in the antique chair. "Bye bye baby, Love you" He said, leaning in as our lips touched one another's. Have I ever mentioned how hot he looks in a suit and tie?

He left the room seconds later as I heard the front door open and shut. I got up, knowing Katrina should be here any minute. I went downstairs as I heard the front door open again, revealing Katrina. 

"Oh my gosh Hi!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly. God I might suffocate. Who even hugs this hard? "Hi!" I exclaimed, following it with an awkward laugh. Luckily, she can't tell the difference between a real and a fake laugh.


The door opened, revealing Ryan. Katrina and I both stood up at the same time, Katrina walking out and shutting the door behind her as I walked up to Ryan who just set his work bag down. I went up to him, hugging him with my arms wrapped around his waist. I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my back, hugging me back as well.

"Hi love. How was your day?" Ryan asked me, his voice deep and raspy. How much more attractive can this man get? "Hi. It was good. How was yours?" I replied back with a question, my voice happy and cheerful. 

"It was good" He replied, letting go of me and taking off his coat. I followed him into the kitchen as he opened the fridge for the second day in a row. he took out his food and started eating, me sitting across from him at the dinning table. 


Ryan and I are laying besides each other in bed, lights off and fan on, our backs facing one another's as we slowly drifted into a deep sleep. 

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