Chapter 10

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I woke up with Ryan's arms wrapped around my waist once again. I slid out of his grasp, him still sleeping as I went into the bathroom to do the second half of my routine first this time. When I walked out of the connected bathroom, I saw Ryan sitting on the end of the bed and rubbing his eyes. 

"Good morning" I said, making him look up at me and smile tiredly as I smiled back. I walked into my closet, shutting the door behind me to let him wake up fully on his own. I got dressed, minutes later walking out to see him ready for work. He was in his everyday suit and tie. 

He grabbed his work bag as I walked out of our bedroom, walking downstairs and by the door as he put his shoes on. I opened the door for him, our lips brushing over one another's as he walked out, Katrina walking in. 

"Hi!" She squealed, causing me to say it back and hugging her tightly. It's like an everyday thing now, jeez. We both went to the kitchen, her sitting at the island on the bar stool as I opened the fridge. I got out yogurt and took a seat besides Katrina as if I have a choice.

As I ate, she talked her mouth off as usual. 


I heard the front door opening, Ryan stepping in as Katrina stepped out. Thank god. I went over to the front door, seeing Ryan taking his shoes off and following him into the kitchen as he set his work bag on a chair of the dinning table. 

"Hi baby" He said as I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist as he wrapped his arms around my back to support me. "Hi" I replied, placing a peck on his lips like always. He walked upstairs with me still in his arms, placing me on the bed lightly and walking into his closet. 

I got off the bed and followed him into his closet, seeing him starting to unbutton his shirt and take off his tie. It's not like I haven't seen him shirtless before. It's how he sleeps every night. 

He took his tie and shirt off, his muscular back turned towards me as I stared. When I tell you I stared, I stared hard until he turned around, his grey sweatpants on and his abs out in the open. He walked out of the closet first as I followed him, shutting the door behind me. 


A little bit later as we were laying down in bed, watching tv, he got a call. He answered, putting the phone up to his ear. "I'll be there" He said before hanging up and turning to me. "I have to go, it's work" He said as I nodded, him leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. 

Work, work, and more work.

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