Chapter 12

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"Baby, it's me." He said, the voice being similar to Ryan's. I got off the floor of the closet, unlocking the door and opening it. Right before I knew it, everything went black. 


I felt repeated tapping on my legs, causing my eyes to open and try to make memories of my unfamiliar view. "Where the fuck am I?" I asked, horror in my voice as a man laughed. I sat up, being on a mattress that's on the floor. Gross. 

I rubbed my eyes before taking a look at all the men, the only bad part is that they have ski masks. Fuck. "Who are you?" I asked, moving backwards while still sitting down, my back hitting the hard wall.

"Someone your husband just couldn't pay, I guess." Someone said, stepping out from the darkness in the corner of the room as I looked over. "Couldn't pay?" I asked out loud, letting my thought slip out of my mouth. If he payed for me, why can't he pay them? It makes no sense. Nevertheless, it doesn't match up.

"Mm, Yes, couldn't pay. We'll say that" He said, a smirk showing through his ski mask. I knew that wasn't the truth. "That's my fault... How?" I asked, trying to piss them off so that they'd get annoyed and let me go. I though that would work but, I guess not. 

"it's not. But it's a way to get him to pay. Let's go boys" He said, the people in ski masks following him out of the door as he shut it behind him and locked it. As they left, I looked around the floor of the mattress, seeing a lamp plugged in.

As one of my hands were handcuffed to a pole, I used my other hand, my free one, and turned the lamp on. With at least little light in the room, it should be easier for me to figure out what my next step is. 

But how am I supposed to do my next move without knowing what Ryan's next move is?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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