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"모두만나서반갑습니다. [It's nice to meet you all]", I smiled, giving the boys a nice smile. I was absolutely happy to be here in South Korea. I really couldn't wait to go to university in Seoul. It felt good being here, I was so excited that I was bouncing off the walls with joy.

"여기는저희숙소입니다, 많지는않지만괜찮을거예요. [This is our dorm, it isn't much, but it'll do]" Changbin stated.

While unpacking, I started to get to know Changbin better.

Among all the members, he was the one talking to me the most in the beginning. Over time, the bond between all the members grew stronger, as if we had been living together for years.

As time went by, I even managed to find a job while studying at the university of Seoul and eventually saved enough money to move out of the dorm and live in an apartment.

Although I was excited to move out, a part of me felt sad because I wouldn't have the chance to see my childhood friend Chris as often...

But there was nothing I could do about it. I was never allowed to stay at the dorm anyway, but Lee Know and Chan begged J.Y. Park to let me stay. That is why I eventually was allowed to stay in their dorm.

I had a pretty decent life after, spending most of my time studying and chilling with my friends.

If I was a stay, my bias would've been Changbin. Since he was my best friend.

To me, he was a ray of sunshine.

He felt like the sun on a spring day after cold days had passed. I didn't know what I'd do without him.

He was my second home.

Ever since I started chasing my dreams, my life felt amazing. I had reunited with my childhood best friend, and even made another best friend!

I had realized that chasing your dreams really did make you happier.

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