Treasure Hunt

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The next morning, the first rays of the sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink. I stood before my modest home, contemplating the journey that awaited me.

After a refreshing morning bath and a hearty breakfast, I ventured out of my house, heading towards Tranquil Mound Mountain in search of the elixir for cultivation.

"Now, let's begin our treasure hunt,"

I exclaimed, picturing the elixir I would discover in the mountain, my mouth watering with anticipation.

"Brother Vlad, what are you doing standing there lost in thought?"

Xinxia questioned, holding trash bags.

"Ah, nothing much, just thinking about going hiking,"

I replied, taking the trash bags from her.

"Brother Vlad, taking care of your body is good, but shouldn't you be practicing right now? The magic for the end-of-semester examination is just around the corner,"

Xinxia said a serious expression on her face.

"Well, I am just going out to recharge my energy so that I can cultivate diligently after coming back,"

I explained with a wry smile.

I don't know why but for some reason, I felt a chill down my spine just now

"Is that so, Brother Vlad? Then you better stick to your words, or else I'll make Brother Fan cook for you, and you know the taste of that, right?"

Xinxia warned, with her usual smile lacking its usual warmth.

"Yes, yes, I will work hard on training after returning. Don't worry, and please don't make me eat that accursed food again,"

I said, recalling Mo Fan's terrible culinary skills.

I don't know bout the transmigrated Mo Fan but the original one's culinary skills were so bad that he wasn't even able to prepare a pack of instant noodles.

"Well then, I will take my leave. Good luck with your trip, Brother Vlad,"

Xinxia said, waving her hand.

"Good luck to you too, Xinxia,"

I replied, making a hasty exit.

She isn't as easygoing as depicted in the story.


After leaving my apartment, I headed towards Tranquil Mound Mountain, an hour or two away from my house.

Upon reaching the mountain, I took out the compass, followed its direction, found a peculiar mushroom, and consumed it. A surge of power coursed through me as my cultivation progressed.

"Yes, that's it. That's the power I wanted,"

I whispered to myself.

Just as I was about to control all the stars of the fire element, someone woke me up from my sleep.

"Boy, we have reached the last stop get out now,"

The driver said to me.

"What have we passed the Tranquil Mound Mountain"

I enquired.

"We passed long ago, boy. The next bus to that mountain will depart in about 4 hours,"

The driver explained, pointing me towards the exit.

I disembarked the bus, remembering the dream of consuming the elixir and soaring to the sky in one go.

Mourning the fact that it was just a dream, I waited for the next bus.

"I hope my dream comes true"


After taking the next bus, I made sure to stay awake to avoid the same mistake.

"Well, after so much difficulty, I finally reached my destination, even though it's afternoon now instead of morning,"

I remarked, feeling drained under the scorching sun.

"I better get going now before it's too late."

As nobody likes to traverse a mountain at night, especially in a world with monsters. Who knows what might emerge from the shadows?

I swiftly took out the compass and proceeded towards its pointed direction.

Initially, I ran in that direction to quickly acquire the elixir. However, running on a mountain is not only tiring but also dangerous. How do I know? I'm experiencing it firsthand.

After about five hours of continuous movement, I was still some distance away from my treasure. Dehydrated and fatigued, the relentless sun seemed determined to drain all my energy.

"I've had enough. Let's change the goal to finding a freshwater source,"

I decided, prioritizing survival to obtain the elixir.

As I need to stay alive to get my hands on elixir.

After another hour of exploration, I finally reached a freshwater stream. Hastily approaching it, I disregarded everything else in my surroundings, reveling in the pure water as I quenched my thirst.

"Yes this hits the spot"

I exclaimed, lifting my face from the stream.

"Finally, I can resume my search for the elixir, even though my stomach is empty,"

I declared, only to be interrupted by a growl from behind.

Turning around, I was met with the menacing jaws of a wolf right in front of my face.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well then here's a new chapter for you folks😉

Please tell me how you felt about the chapter except of course the length of the chapter.😋

Kindly tell me about how I should improve the story and don't expect much in the fight as I don't know how to depict a bloody fight😓

Anyway Thank You for reading my novel

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