Run For My Life

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Inside the cave, my eyes locked onto the elixir, but my heart sank as I spotted the formidable obstacle guarding it—a fire crown lizard, menacing in its stature, just beside the precious plant

They were just a little smaller than a One-Eyed wolf.

"They're larger than I anticipated... I'm definitely not equipped to face that monster head-on, not at my current level,"

I muttered, feeling a surge of apprehension.

"I need a distraction, something to lure it away from the elixir,"

I thought urgently, scanning the surroundings for a solution.

At that moment I remembered a wolf who bit me on my hand.

"Those wolves that had pursued me could be the key to diverting the lizard's attention."

I reasoned, a faint grin creeping onto my face at the prospect.

"If I can provoke it and lead it toward the wolves' territory, they might buy me some time,"

With a plan in mind, I cautiously ventured deeper into the cave, wary of alerting the lizard to my presence. But as I made my move, chaos ensued.

"Damn It...."

In the shallow cave where faint moonlight seeped in I muttered with a weary look as i was being chased by a Fire Crown lizard and was running for my life.

At first, I came inside the cave using Darkness Aura to hide my presence and tried using my dagger (kitchen knife) to stab the stupid lizard and ending it's life there.

But has anything ever gone according to the plan?

"The damn knife broke when used on the lizard"

I cursed under my breath, frustration bubbling within me as I faced unexpected obstacles.

"And if that wasn't enough I discovered another lizard lurking in the depths of the cave, complicating my predicament."

As the first lizard lunged at me, I acted on instinct, driving my dagger (more like a kitchen knife) into its eye with a swift, desperate motion. But the victory was short-lived, as I found myself fleeing for dear life, pursued by both enraged lizards.

"They run pretty fast for their size"

I said looking back at them catching up to me.

"Why the hell does the cave exit seem so far away?"

I gasped, my lungs burning with exertion as I raced toward the cave exit, the distant promise of safety spurring me onward.

Finally emerging into the open air, I darted into the forest, the relentless pursuit of the lizards urging me to push my limits. I navigated the terrain with frantic determination, each step bringing me closer to my goal—leading the predators toward the wolf pack's territory.

"In the animal kingdom, even the weakest creatures defend their young with ferocity," I mused, drawing upon this primal instinct to guide my strategy.

"Just like a family protects its children in the face of certain death rather than running away"

"In the case of humans, it might not happen but animals are completely different kind as they protect their kin as their own life"

As the distance closed between me and the wolf pack, my energy waned, exhaustion threatening to overwhelm me. A misstep sent me crashing to the ground, the lizards closing in with menacing speed.

Just as I was able to see the wolf pack one of the lizards used magic to throw a fire magic spell at me which I daughed by a margin.

The fire spell went in the direction of the place where the wolf cubs are being held.

Just as the fire spell landed I heard the cries of the wolf cubs alerting the other wolves and the Alpha wolf.

"Now the wolves and the lizards will fight and I will have the treasure whilt they hurt each other" I said to myself with a grin on m face.

The ensuing chaos provided me with a fleeting opportunity to escape, and I seized it without hesitation, scrambling up a nearby tree to observe the unfolding spectacle from a safe vantage point.


I will Update on a regular basis from now on meaning 1CH in 2 days I think

Tell me if there's something you need to add except making it larger

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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