Murder 101

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Blitzo P.O.V.

I was standing in the corner of the room watching Moxxie struggle to shoot a picture of a little boy. He was ugly anyway, why not just shoot him? Moxxie sighed. "I can't do it." I rolled my eyes. Loona handed the picture to Millie and snatched the crossbow from Moxxie. "Here let me." She fired and missed the picture. Instead it went into a picture of me. Ugh. Why does she have such horrible aim? I yanked the arrow out of my picture and handed it to Moxxie. "Look, we're going to be leaving in 1 minute, so you need to be ready! We're going to kill this woman!" I held up a picture of a princess. "Who is she?" Millie asked, blushing. "Our target." "We're killing royalty?" Moxxie asked. "Uh, yeah! Duh." Then I took the portal chalk and drew on the wall. A portal opened and Millie and Moxxie walked through. Loona groaned. "Can I stay back?" "No, your our getaway girl." Then I dragged her through the portal, and we were on the side of a stone street. "Where are we this time?" Moxxie asked. I snapped my fingers and Loona looked it up. "We're in London." "Ugh, where the British people come from?" Moxxie asked. I nodded. "Now, let's find this girl."  Then we found a castle. "Okay, there's security posted everywhere. Moxxie, you take out those big guys, I'll take out those big guys." Then I jumped out with Moxxie. I pointed a gun at the first guy and Moxxie pointed one at another. We shot them at the same time. Then I shot the security cameras. "Okay, we're good, let's go!" Then we walked in. Then, I lead the way down the hall. Moxxie was grabbing gold stuff and putting it into a bag. "Don't leave evidence." Millie reminded him. Moxxie nodded and kept walking. Then we reached a room. "What's in there?" Loona asked. "Is it the Princess's room?" I opened the door slowly and saw it was a bathroom. "Wow!" Moxxie cried. We shut ourselves in the room. "Moxxie look! The toilet's solid gold!" Moxxie gasped. "Woah, cool! What would it be like to use a solid gold toilet?" Loona looked over at the bathtub. "Wow, it's got hot tub settings! I want one of these in my room." she said. "Loona, you know we can't afford things like that." I reminded her. "Guys, we're here to look for the Princess, remember?" "Right." Moxxie said. I turned to Millie. "Millie, put your pants back on, we're leaving." Millie groaned. "Aww, but I was going to see if the toilet worked." Loona rolled her eyes. "Murder now, sightsee later." Then we all walked out of the bathroom. Then a woman with brown hair walked over to us. "Who are you? Are you authorized to be in here?" she asked. "Yes! We're the cleaning crew!" I said. "You don't look like it." "And you don't look like a maid." Millie observed. "I'm an advisor." she corrected her. "Right, well we're just gonna go now." We ran off before she could ask anymore questions. "Why didn't we kill her?" Loona asked. "Like Millie said, don't leave behind evidence." I reminded her. Then we kept checking rooms. Next we found a dining room. Millie and Moxxie ran inside and Millie began dancing on the table. "Hey Millie! Look at this!" Moxxie cried. He lifted a vase and threw it across the room. I ran to catch it. I caught it right before it hit the ground. "Your gonna break something, dummy!" I snapped. Millie rolled her eyes. "We're just playing, Blitzo." she said, climbing off the table. Loona was helping herself to a bowl of fruit nearby. Then she stuck a bomb into the bowl. "What's that for?" I asked. "You never know." she said, simply. "It's not necessary." I told her. "Your gonna want it later." she said. Then we checked the next room. It was a bedroom, but not the Princess's. "This must be the Queen's bed." Moxxie observed. Loona lifted one of the pillows. "OMG! I found a diary!" she cried. Millie and Moxxie started fighting over who got to read it. I grabbed the book from them and opened it. "Guys, she's just talking about a treaty with America." I told them. I was getting very annoyed with these three. Why were they getting into everything like this? We left the room and then when we were walking through the hallway, Moxxie started talking to Millie. "Hey Millie, Say this: I love and then I say you." Millie giggled. "I." Moxxie finished her sentence. "Love." "You!" she laughed. "Wow!" "Yeah, and it changes every time." Moxxie said. I rolled my eyes. Then Loona noticed a dog bed. "Wow, the princess has a dog. I wonder what kind." Millie observed the fur. "Either a Chowchow or a Sheet-Zoo." I stifled laughter. "You mean shiz-zu?" I asked. "Oh, right." Millie corrected herself, embarrassed. Then we saw a room with a pink door. "This must be it." I whispered. "Loona, stand guard, Moxxie with me, Millie help Loona." "But I wanna kill too!" "And you will, just not right now!" I said. Then on my signal, Moxxie and I slammed the door open! "I.M.P is here for you- O MY GOSH!" The girl was trying to have sex with some guy. "EW!" Moxxie cried. He shot him in the eye and I shot the girl's shoulder and stabbed a knife into her heart. Then I stuffed her heart into a plastic bag and Moxxie grabbed some gold for the road. Then we shut the door behind us. And Loona turned to us. "Did you guys get her?" she asked. "Yep." I answered. Then we heard someone coming. We ran and hid in a room with a huge door. Then Millie gasped. She tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around. We were staring at the royal treasury! Moxxie and Millie started rolling around in the gold, and I started stuffing it into the bag Moxxie had been carrying. Then Loona saw a tiara on a pedestal in the center of the room. "Look!" she said. Moxxie walked up to it. "Be careful, Mox." Millie warned. "Nothing will happen." Moxxie informed her as if he knew. Then he carefully lifted the tiara off the pedestal. Nothing happened. "See, told ya." Moxxie said. Then a blaring alarm went off! We all screamed. Loona smacked Moxxie's face. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" I yelled. Moxxie shook his head. "I DON'T KNOW!" Then some guards burst in. "PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE EM'!" "WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US MOXXIE?!" I shreiked as I shot them. "What do we do now?" Millie asked. "RUN!" I cried. We all ran. The guards were chasing us! Moxxie tried to yank open the door as the guards pooled down the stairs. "IT'S LOCKED!" He yelled. Then we panicked. We all ran in different directions! I was running through the palace with the gaurds on my tail. Then I heard music. I thought I was going crazy but then I realized that it was my phone! I kept running and running. I hid under a couch. "Search everywhere!" The gaurd commanded. I looked at it. No! Not Stolas! I ended the call and left a voicemail. "Hey, Stolas, not a good time, call me back!" Then I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. Then the guard lifted the couch. He pointed a gun at me. I gulped. Then I ran. I crashed into Moxxie. We both stifled screams and ran and hid behind a curtain. After a minute I whispered to him. "You think they saw us?" Moxxie peeked out from behind the curtain. There were guards there. "Yes." Then we ran. We locked ourselves in the bathroom we found earlier. "Moxxie!" Someone cried. We both screamed and hugged eachother. "It's just me!" Millie assured us. I peeled Moxxie off of me and sighed in releif. Moxxie kissed her and then they rubbed noses. "Cute." I said, sarcastically. Then Loona grabbed the gun from me. She shot a hole in the door and through a gaurds throat in one shot. Millie kicked open the door. We ran to the dining room and Moxxie locked the door behind us. Loona started searching through the bowl of fruit. "Loona! This is not the time to be hungry!" I snapped. "No I'm looking for the bomb!" "What bomb?" "A bomb!" "There's no bomb!" Then Millie took a bite of an apple and squealed as her teeth hit something hard. "A bomb!" she and Loona cried at the same time. Then Loona put the bomb infront of the window. "Matches!" she commanded. Moxxie handed her a box of matches. "It's not working!" she cried. "Oh! Hurry up!" "I'm trying! Don't rush me!" "THEY'RE COMING!" Moxxie cried. "OPEN THIS DOOR! THEY KILLED THE PRINCESS!" A gaurd yelled. Then the bomb lit, and Loona grabbed all of us. She glanced out the window. "Can you swim?" She asked us. "Yes!" Me and Millie cried. "NO!" Moxxie screamed. Loona didn't seem to hear him. "You might wanna hang on." Loona warned us. Then the guards threw open the door, and the bomb went off. Then Loona jumped and we all fell 50 feet into the pond below. When I pulled myself to shore, I stared up at the sky. "Is everyone okay?" Loona asked. "Fine!" Moxxie cried. "Me too." Millie said. Loona made her way over to me. "Told ya you would want it later." I groaned. "If you weren't my daughter, you'd be fired." Then I sat up. We heard guards running, and Moxxie flopped on the ground. "Pretend to be dead." He advised. "Get up you idiot." Loona said. Then we all ran until we made it to the streets. "What now?" Moxxie asked. "I think we've had enough adventure for one day." I sighed. Then we dragged ourselves through the portal, and plopped down on the couches. "I'll get started on dinner." Loona said. Moxxie stretched. "Me and Millie are gonna head home." Moxxie said. "Okay, seeya later." I muttered. Then they left. I went to my room and was about to close my eyes when my phone rang. Ugh. Stolas.

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