Into the woods

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(APRIL FOOLS! I am writing a part today! To make up for my weird drawing, here's a new part! Plz enjoy. Also if you didn't know, I'm posting hazbin hotel questions over on my conversations page! Enjoy this! It's kinda short because I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork right now. And I'm homeschooled. Sooo. I hope you enjoy!)

Blitzo P.O.V.

I was walking in the woods with everyone walking behind me. It had gotten dark and we only had my phone flashlight. It was really creepy in there. Then I heard something snap. We all spun around to see Moxxie. "Sorry! I stepped on a twig." We all groaned. Well-except for Millie, who just rolled her eyes playfully. Then Fizz walked up to me. "It's eerie in here, isn't it?" I nodded. "I heard that the woods is home to a terrifying monster! And I have a feeling it's coming for each and every one of us." I stepped away from him. "Cut it out." I said. Then we saw a light. I lead the way forward. And you won't believe what we saw! We saw...a gingerbread house. We all stood there in shocked silence. "Uhm. WHAT THE FUCK?" Loona shrieked. Fizz burst out laughing and Moxxie's mouth watered. Millie and Moxxie exchanged glances and then cautiously stepped forward. Moxxie took a gumdrop from the house and stuffed it in his mouth. "You know what this reminds me of?" Moxxie asked. "CandyLand?" Fizz asked. "No! Hanzel and Gretal!" Millie corrected us. Just then we heard footsteps. "It's the witch!" Millie cried as we all ran and hid in the bushes. A small old lady and a blonde haired woman walked out of the house. "They look friendly." Moxxie stated. I sighed. "Remember what happened last time we thought people looked friendly?" I asked. Moxxie nodded. "Right, right." Fizz tapped me on the shoulder. "Uh, where's Josie?" we all groaned silently. I looked around and noticed she was heading right towards the woman and the lady. "Well hello there, little one." The blonde woman said. "Who are you?" she asked. Millie sighed. "Well, it was nice knowing her." I nudged her. Then Josie pointed to the bush. "We're busted." Moxxie said. The woman looked up. "It's alright! You can come out!" she called. I got out of the bush first and then the rest of us. "Um, sorry about her! It's hard to keep her under control sometimes." The woman smiled. "It's fine. I'm Kim. This is my grandmother, Tasha." Tasha smiled at us. "I see you've noticed our gingerbread house. Grandmother made it when she was younger." I nodded. "How old is the candy on the house?" I asked. "Certainly too old to be eating." she said with a chuckle. I looked at Moxxie and Millie. "Oops." Millie said. Then I turned back to the woman. "Well, we were just passing through, so we'll be on our way-" then she intturrupted me. "Or! You could stay for tea?" Fizz looked at me pleadingly. "Fine." I said. We all went inside and it was actually really cozy in there. "So, what brings you through these wonderful woods at night?" she asked. "We're on the run." Fizz said. "What he means is, we're just on a little trip. We're trying to get home." Tasha turned to me, from pouring tea for Moxxie. "And where do you live?" I was about to answer when Fizz piped up. "Hell." Kim looked like she was about to choke on her tea. "Your from where?" Then I saw Loona face-palm. "Um, well this has been really nice, but we have to get going now." Millie groaned. "But we just got here!" I force smiled. "I know but I think it would be better if we left! You know just in case we're up against another Adam's Family?" Millie groaned. "Fiiiinnnneeee." Then we thanked the two women for the tea and headed back into the woods. "Why couldn't we have stayed the night?" Loona asked. "We were going to, but Fizz gave away too much information. There was no way they were going to let us stay after that." Fizz rolled his eyes. "That was so rude, Blitzo." I glanced at him. "What was rude?" Fizz looked at me. "You!" I scoffed. "Me? How was I rude?" You were all like: "OH, WE SUDDENLY HAVE TO GO! THANKS FOR THE TEA! You didn't even say goodbye properly. You made it look like we wanted to leave." I thought about this for a moment. "Well I didn't want to leave, we just had to." Fizz stepped away from me. "You should have said it then." Then we reached the road. "Loona where are we?" Loona looked at her phone. "We're 12 miles away from the nearest town." I sighed. "Well we better get walking." We were about to continue when a pink car with no roof came speeding down the highway playing loud pop music. "Oh shit." I said. "Not her! Oh fuck! Please not her!" Stopping the car and stepping out of it was none other than Verosika Mayday. Pop singer, slay queen, ex.


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