A royal outing

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(OMG! This is so akward! I've only seen one and a half episodes of Helluva and I have no idea how the goitia thing works! Just use your imaginations! Plz!)

Stolas P.O.V.

I had been waiting for a half hour. I couldn't take it anymore, and called Blitzy. "Blitzy! Hello! Why didn't you take my call? Are you alright?" I asked. I was worried about him. "Hi, Stolas. Uh...yeah, just fine. I was just on Earth with the others. We pulled a big murder today. That's all." "Ah. So that's why I could feel my magic tingling. You can't over use the portal. You know that, right Blitzy? Because if you do, you can get trapped on Earth and I'll have to come save you." "Yeah, right. I know. Well I gotta go, so I'll call you some time else." "Yes alright. Goodbye Blitzy." Then I heard yelling coming from the dining room. I walked into the room. "What's going on this time?" "DAD! TELL MOM NOT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" "Tell your daughter that in order to be a princess, she has to know which fork is which." "IT'S JUST A FORK! IT DOESN'T MATTER!" "DON'T SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!" "Leave the girl alone." "STAY OUT OF THIS YOU BITCH!" She screamed. "She's my daughter too." "WELL YOU JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO PARENT PROPERLY!" "Your the one yelling at her." "YOUR YELLING!" "I'M NOT YELLING!" "UGH! WHY DO YOU GUYS ALWAYS FIGHT?" "Stay out of this sweetie, Daddy and I are just having a little conversation." Then she picked up the nearest glass and threw it at me. I held back a shriek as pieces of glass smashed near my eyes. She threw another and another. "MOM! STOP HURTING DAD!" Octavia shrieked. I blinked away painful tears. "I'll be fine, princess! Go to your room!" Stella summoned her StarPower (lol idk) and shot my arm. I harnessed mine and we started yelling at eachother while blasting our magic. Octavia ran away to her room. "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A HORRIBLE FATHER? YOUR NEVER THERE FOR HER!" "YOUR NEVER NICE TO HER! CAN'T YOU LIKE SOMETHING SHE DOES FOR ONCE!" "I DO LIKE HER! I LOVE HER! I JUST WANT HER TO BE PERFECT!" A blast of light shot me in the face. Then she threw a chair at me and I barely dodged. She ripped a feather off my shoulder. I screamed and slit one of my talons across her face. We fought for a little longer until she tossed me onto the couch. "Now listen here, bitch. Your gonna kiss me, we're gonna make up, and we're not gonna mention any of this to Octavia. UNDERSTAND?" I nodded. "Good." I kissed her and she used her magic to set everything straight. Then she went to her room, and I went to the livingroom. I held back tears. I never wanted to marry her. This isn't the life I wanted for Octavia. But this isn't the life I wanted for me either. I didn't ask to be married to this she-demon. Why couldn't our lives just be the way I wished they would be? I went to studying my book but I couldn't focus. I missed when things were simple and Octavia was a little girl. Now she's 13! I went to her room to check on her. "Hey Princess." I said as I sat on her bed. She was reading a book. She turned to me. "Why can't you and Mom get along?" she asked. "I don't know. I've tried to get along with her. It just always ends in-" "What? Tears, yelling, screaming, throwing things? Yeah." I opened my mouth to correct her and then realized she was right. "Octavia, listen. Things may not be the way they used to be, but that doesn't mean that you have to dwell on what's happening now and see it as a bad thing." "But it is a bad thing! You don't understand! Why can't things go back to the way they used to be. Sometimes I wish Mom would just leave us alone. And what's worse, sometimes I wish you would just leave us alone! Why is my life so difficult?" she cried. I felt sorry for her. I had been trying to get along with Stella, it just never worked out. "Look, Octavia, it's hard for me too. But how about this: You and I go get Icecream and pizza tomorrow just like old times." Octavia smiled a little. "Can Mom come?" I winced. "I don't know Octavia, are you sure you want to risk it?" I asked. Octavia nodded confidently. "Yes." "Alright then, get a good night's sleep sweetie." I said. She wrapped her arms around me and sighed. "I love you, Daddy." "I love you too my little Starfire." Then I gave her a kiss, tucked her in, and went to talk to Stella. I knocked on her door. She opened it and then almost slammed it in my face, when I slipped into the room, almost losing a feather. "Stella, hear me out." "I don't want to hear it." she stated. She was kicking me out when I spun around. "It's about Octavia. I told her that we'd all go get Ice cream and pizza tomorrow. All of us. And she doesn't want us to fight." "She knows that's almost impossible right?" she asked. "Yeah. But I want to do this for Octavia. Please?" "Uhm...well...we can try. It's worth a shot." she sighed. "Now get the fuck out of my room." she kicked me out, and I peeked into Octavia's room. She was sound asleep. "I promise I'll always love you." I whispered. The next day, we all went to the restaurant. "What toppings would you like?" the waiter asked. Stella said anchovies at the same time I said spinach. We both glared at eachother. "Who's ever heard of Anchovies on Pizza?" I asked. Octavia smiled weakly. "I like anchovies-" "Well who's ever heard of spinach on pizza?" Stella cried. The waiter looked confused. "We'll have the make your own pizza surprise." Octavia said after a moment. The waiter walked away and I turned to Octavia. "What's that?" I asked. "It's where we all get our own cheeze pizza and put toppings on it. Let's make the pizza's for eachother! Mom, you make one for Dad, and Dad you make one for Mom! I'll make one for Dad." when the toppings and pizzas arrived. Stella started putting all my least favorite toppings on my pizza. Then I put pineapples on her pizza. She's allergic to pineapples. She blows up like a balloon. I chuckled. Then I shoved the pizza towards her. She shoved her's towards me. Then she took a bite of her pizza without realizing what was on it. Then she froze. "How's your pizza honey?" I asked. "Fine honey, how's yours honey?" "I don't know I haven't tasted it, honey." Octavia glanced at us. Then Stellas shoved a piece of the pizza in my mouth. "How is it honey?" she asked. "If I'm eating mine, you should eat yours honey!" I shoved pizza in her mouth. She started swelling up. "Have some more honey!" she yelled throwing a piece of pizza at me. Octavia tried to give me her pizza. "Mom, Dad, please don't fight!" she begged. We were drawing attention from the other tables. I threw pizza at her face, and we got into a huge food fight! Then she started throwing toppings at me, and I lunged at her, we got into a punching fight, and Octavia stood up. "SHUT UP!" she screeched. Then she shoved all the toppings and pizza off the table, and she yelled. "I WISH I COULD JUST HAVE A NORMAL DAY AND BE A NORMAL KID WITH PARENTS WHO DON'T RIP OUT EACHOTHER'S THROATS 24/7! I WISH THAT YOU WEREN'T SO...SO...STUPID! YOUR ACTING LIKE TODDLERS!" "Octavia don't take that tone of voice with me!" Stella snapped. Octavia punched her and me in the face and yelled. "I'M GOING TO BLITZO'S HOUSE! HE ACTS MORE LIKE A REAL PARENT!" (I like to think that Octavia and Blitzo are friends and she sees him more as a father sometimes than Stolas) Then she slammed down her pizza and ran out of the restaurant bawling her eyes out. I looked at her pizza. It said: 'I love you mom and dad. Please don't fight!' "See what you did?" Stella asked. Then she shoved me to the ground and ran out of the restaurant. The waiter came over to me. He and two other people threw me out onto the sidewalk and tossed the bill in my face. I dragged myself home and when I got there I heard screaming. I ran into the kitchen to see Stella smacking Octavia hard. "STOP IT!" I cried. I snatched Octavia from Stella. "SHE NEEDS A PUNISHMENT!" "NO SHE DOESN'T!" Octavia looked up at me, afraid. I hugged her close. I carried her to her room and tucked her in. "I'm sorry for yelling! I'm so sorry! I just...." I held her close. "I know. I'm not mad at you. Truly, I wish life was different too." Me and my little Princess stayed there holding eachother fantisizing what life would be like if we were normal.

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