Exit 202

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Blitzo P.O.V.

Loona kept driving, and I pointed to the exit. "EXIT!" Millie cried. Then Loona slowed down. "Why are we going slower?" Moxxie cried. Then Loona turned to him. "My paws are tired." Millie unbuckled and shoved Loona out of the driver's seat. She buckled in and took the wheel. She stomped on the gas petal! We headed down the exit and saw the road work! "I'M GOING FOR IT!" she cried. "WHAT?" I cried. Then we were heading towards the edge of a broken road. Under the road, there was the exit 202. "HOLD ON! WE'RE GONNA JUMP IT!" she cried. "WHAT?" Me and Moxxie cried. Just as we were heading towards it, we heard a voice. "WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Me and Moxxie and Loona turned around. "FIZZ?" We all cried. Millie was distracted and we went straight off the cliff. We all screamed. Then we landed on the road and Loona and Millie cheered! Then a car almost hit us. "MILLIE WE'RE IN THE WRONG LANE!" Moxxie cried. "What do you want me to do about it? There's a barrier!" she said. We kept driving. Then we heard sirens. I looked behind us. "THEY'RE STILL CHASING US?" Moxxie cried. I was more focused on my friend. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I yelled. "You never take me with you and I wanted to see what it would be like." "Well, now you'll never probably be able to go home!" "WHAT?" He screamed. Then we almost crashed into a truck. Then we heard a voice from the police car. "PULL OVER!" "NO!" Loona yelled out the window. Then Millie stomped on the gas petal more! Then Loona climbed under the seat and helped by pushing on it. Moxxie started messing with the lever. Then it broke off. Fizz grabbed it and threw it out the window, conking a police officer on the head. "Nice." Loona said, sarcastically. Then Fizz screamed, as we almost crashed into a van. Then there was a sharp turn. We went over a curb. "Wait, doesn't Millie not have her licence?" I asked. Millie drove through a Walmart parking lot. "This doesn't look like an exit." Moxxie stated. Then the police continued to chase us. We saw a curb. "Millie. Don't." Moxxie said. "HOLD ON TO YOUR ASSES!" she cried. Then we crashed through the parking lot crashing through cars and tearing up the little trees on the curb in front of the parking space. Then Loona turned on rock music and we crashed out onto the road. Just then, Millie decided it would be a good idea to drive through Mac Donalds! "Millie! Drive!" I reminded her. "Sorry, I just thought you guys would be hungry." she said. "We're not hungry!" I cried. "I'm hungry." Fizz interrupted. Millie drove slowly forward. "Hello welcome to Mac Donalds what can I get you?" someone asked. "I'll have a burger with ketchup, and one meat, that's it, uh-Moxxie what do you want?" "I'll have a burger with lettuce and tomato." "Okay, burger with lettuce and tomato. Loona, what about you?" she asked. "Hmm, how about some nuggets?" "Four or six piece?" "Four." "Four piece chicken nuggets, a soda, and-you want apple slices?" "Yes." "Apple slices. And- Fizz what do you want?" she asked. "A jr whopper burger!" "Those are at Burger King." "Oh, then a mac donalds burger with EVERYTHING on it." "Okay, a burger with everything on it. And-" "Chocolate Milk!" Fizz interrupted. "Chocolate milk! Blitzo, do you want anything?" "NO! I WANT YOU TO DRIVE! THE POLICE ARE COMING THIS WAY!" "Are you sure?" I hesitated for a moment. "Okay, fine, a tuna fish sandwich." "Ewww." Fizz said. "You want a burger with PICKLES on it." Fizz rolled his eyes. "Okay, that'll be 20$. Please drive up to the window." We drove to the window. The lady gave us our food, and we drove away. "Where to now?" Fizz asked. "I-" "THERE THEY ARE!!" A police officer shrieked. Millie stomped on the gas petal and drove. We kept driving and driving. "Where are we even going?" Fizz asked. "Somewhere safe." I responded. "Loona! Gimmie your phone!" "But I'm almost done with the tenth wave!" She cried. "LOONA THIS ISN'T UP FOR DEBATE! YOU'LL GET IT RIGHT BACK!" She handed it to me, with an eye roll and a scoff. She had been playing Bed Bug Blitz. "How do you get out of this game? Millie help me!" I cried. "I'm driving!" she reminded me. "Swipe up!" Moxxie cried. I swiped up and quickly found the GPS. I locked in coordinates in the car for SunnyDays inn. "GO THERE!" I told Millie. "It's frozen!" she cried. Fizz snatched Loona's phone. "Yeah the little dot thing keeps bouncing off the screen." He observed. Then Loona snatched her phone back. "Use ON⭐." she said. I pressed the ON⭐ button, and then I heard the thing say, "Welcome to ON⭐. How can I help you?" "I'D LIKE DIRECTIONS TO-" "CAPE ELIZIBETH!" "SUPER SONIX!" "DARTHVADER!" Everyone began shouting at the same time. "GUYS! QUIET!" I snapped. "I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that. Could you say that again?" it asked. "I'd like directions to SunnyDays inn." I said. "SunnyDays inn in Ohio? Or Maine?" I glanced at Loona. "Where are we?" I asked. She shrugged and then went back to her game. "Would you like me to direct you to an online supervisor?" it asked. Fizz cried yes at the same time I cried no. "Okay. Just a moment." I glared at him. "WHY FIZZ? THIS IS EMBARRASING ENOUGH ALREADY!" He shrugged and started snickering. "This call may recorded for quality purposes." it said. Fizz stuck his face in the screen. "WHAT QUALITY PURPOSES?" "SIT DOWN!" I snapped. Moxxie tapped me on the shoulder. "Can I do the talking?" he asked. "Sure." I needed a break from screaming. Millie looked in the rearveiw mirror. "HOW ARE THE POLICE STILL CHASING US?" she asked. "Our supervisors are working hard to assist you and will be with you in just a moment. Please hold." Then Moxxie lost it. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST WORK????" Then he started punching the button until it broke. "Your ON⭐ call has ended. Goodbye." Then it shut off. "ON⭐? Hello, ON⭐?" Loona asked clicking the button. There was an awkward silence. Then we all turned to Moxxie. "MOXXIE!" we all cried. "YOU KILLED ON⭐!" Millie cried. "Sorry! I didn't know!" "Now what are we going to do?" Loona asked. Then Fizz reached his arms in the front seat. "We host a funeral for ON⭐! What should I write on her tombstone? 'She never listened to us'?" Then he burst out laughing. "Not helping, Fizz!" I cried. Then on the other side of the road, I saw something called Darknights Motel! "GO THERE!" I yelled. Then we turned into the parking lot, quickly climbed out of the car and hid behind the building. The police kept going and didn't notice us. I sighed in relief. Then we walked up to the door. Just as Loona was about to ring the doorbell, a girl with a bouncy black ponytail came up to the door and opened it. "Why Hello there! Welcome to Darknights Motel!"

Note: (No more for now. Ok bye!)

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