On the run Pt 2

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Any luck? Loona asked me. I shook my head. Then we all climbed back in the car and Loona put on the GPS. "Okay so the nearest safe spot is about 20 minutes away." Millie started driving at a normal speed. Josie looked scared. Fizz tapped me on the shoulder. "Uh, Blitz?" he asked. I turned to him. "What?" He pulled me into the back of the trunk. "I left my phone at the Darknight's Motel." I rolled my eyes. "We'll get you a new one when we get home. If we get home." I added, looking at the floor of the trunk. "No, no. I haven't called Ozzie. And you know how worried he can get about me. And, when me and Moxxie and Millie and Josie were going to buy the gas, I had what I think was a panic attack. That's never happened before and I'm worried! What if it's something serious?" I stayed quiet a moment and then looked at Fizz. "Either your developing separation anxiety or your just worried that Ozzie's going to be upset with you for not calling." I concluded. "I think it might be both." Fizz admitted. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Well, here. How about this? You can have my phone, and text him. Tell him your okay." Fizz gazed at me with a look of disbelief. "You'd really let me do that?" he asked. I rolled my eyes playfully. "You could have just asked me earlier, I would have said yes." I said. Fizz sighed. "I guess I forgot we were brothers." Then he hugged me. I hugged back. Then I said, "At least your boyfriend's not mad at you like mine." Fizz giggled. Then Loona poked her head in the trunk. "If you two are finished talking, I need to see Blitzo." she said. I smiled encouragingly at Fizz, and handed him my phone. Then I went up front to talk to Loona.

Fizzarolli P.O.V.

I stared at the phone in my hands, and then opened the texts and typed in Ozzie's number and stuff. Then I started the text.

Fizz: Ozzie?

Ozzie: ...

Fizz: I'm sorry!

Ozzie: Oh, Fizzy. I miss u! Where are you? I can't access where you are for some reason. Why haven't you called? Or texted?

Fizz: We got stuck at this horror house. These weird people were trying to get us to be a part of their family! But we refused and killed some of them. A child stowed away named JosieJune and I only then just realized that I left my phone at the DarkNight's Motel. The name of the place! :( I had an emotional breakdown-sorta and I am just so grateful that your here! Well, not here, but you know.

Ozzie: Fizzy, you could have just borrowed Blitzo's phone to begin with.

Fizz: I KNOW! Ugh, I'm so dumb.

Ozzie: No you're not. You're smart. But you just let your emotions get in the way of that this time. (:

Fizz: I wish I could tell you everything but Blitzo's gonna need this back in a bit.

Ozzie: I wish we could talk forever too. I miss u. But I'm thinking of you! 💕

Fizz: 😘

Ozzie: Stolas won't open the portals will he?

Fizz: Nope. All because Blitz missed one "Date" ONE!

Ozzie: *Sigh* Well, I gtg. Promise you'll text or call sometime later?

Fizz: Of course!

Ozzie: Okay. I'll see if I can negotiate with Stolas on my end.

Fizz: Okay, I love you! Bye!

Ozzie: Bye! Oh and one more thing.

Fizz: ?

Ozzie: Try not to get into too much trouble out there, Froggie! 😉

Fizz: 🤭 😘

Ozzie: 😘

I ended the text and then handed the phone back to Blitzo, up front. Then I settled in to listen to the plan. 

Blitzo P.O.V.

We were almost at the place, and things were going really well. We were going at the speed limit which was kinda unusual, and we were silently going along. Then Josie tapped me on the shoulder. "What is it Josie?" I asked her. "Um, are you guys going to go home?" I sighed. "Not for a while. Why?" She fiddled with her hair and said to me, "I want to come back with you." I put her on my lap. "Why?" she sighed. "I think I wanna go to wherever your going." I smiled at her. "You are a little sinner aren't you?" she smiled at me and giggled. Then Millie turned to me and smiled at us. Then she accidentally slipped on the gas petal when Moxxie popped up beside us, surprising us, and we went spinning out of control! Then after spinning for a while, we crashed and the world went black. I opened my eyes a few moments later to see that we were lying in the middle of the woods! "MY PHONE!" Loona shreiked. It was broken. Millie helped Moxxie up and I gathered everyone together. "Is everyone okay?" I asked. "We're good." Moxxie said. "Yeah." Josie answered. Loona nodded and Fizz shrugged. I stared at him for a moment before he said yes. "Where are we?" I asked. "What happened to our car?" Millie asked. "Oh shit." I muttered. Now we really needed to get out of here. Then Moxxie stood up. "I don't know, but we need to get moving. The police still has a tracker on our car." Then I grabbed Moxxie and shook him! "Moxxie! WE HAVE A TRACKER ON OUR CAR! WE'RE SAVED!" Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Then I cleared my throat and explained that because the tracker was on our car, and the car was just lying here, the police would come and they would just find the car. Maybe they would think we died or something and then we'd be free! Everyone cheered. "Yeah! That does make sense!" Josie cried out. Then I checked my pocket! "My phone survived the crash!" Loona rolled her eyes. "Mine didn't." I smiled. "Don't you see? I can contact Stolas and we can go home!" Everyone cheered and then Fizz interrupted. "Which means we'd better leave before the police get here." Loona smiled. "He's right. Let's get the fuck outa here." We all nodded and then we went off into the woods.

(I'm going to make another chapter now. Well, at least start on it! This one was a little short. Question, do you think that I should add an AngelDust guest appearence somewhere in the book? In fact, how about someone tells me who they would like to make a guest appearance in the book! Okay, bye! (:  ♥️)

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