DarkNights Motel

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Blitzo P.O.V.

We all stared at the girl blankly. "Oh, um...hi, can we spend the night here? We didn't make an appointment, sure but we have some money on us. And-" "Oh, no, money is no objective. You can stay for a day, a week, or a year! You may never want to leave!" We all exchanged glances. "Um, we're just gonna stay for one night." Moxxie informed her. "Alright then. Let us know if you change your mind!" "Us?" Millie asked. "Oh, sorry, where are my manners? I'm Moonbeam! This is my sister Moondancer, and this is my other sister Moonlight!" she said as a girl with black straight thin hair walked over looking excruciatingly happy, and another with black pigtails came over looking the same. Moonbeam and her sisters surrounded us. "Are there any other people here?" Fizz asked. "There were! But then-" Moonbeam silenced her sister with a harsh glance. "Never mind." Moonlight sighed. Moondancer began to talk. "Our mother lives here. And our aunt, and cousins, and-" "So your like a family?" Loona asked. "Yes! We run this Motel together!" Moondancer cried. "And there have never been any residents?" I asked. "No." Moonlight said. "Are you guys a family too?" Moonbeam asked. "Oh, right. I'm Blitzo. This is my daughter, Loona, my friends, Moxxie and Millie, and this is my  friend, Fizzarolli." I said. "Oh, okay. Well, enough chit-chat! Let's get you guys checked in." Moonbeam said as she led us to the front desk. "Mom! There are residents here!" The woman looked at us like we were aliens. She had grey hair in a bun and she was wearing a black dress. It was like she was attending a funeral. "This is my mother, Penelopie. We call her Miss Penny." Miss Penny looked down at her run down computer. "Alright then...how about..." She counted us under her breath. "5 rooms?" "One room." I interrupted. "One room, 5 people?" She asked. We all nodded. "Weird." Moonbeam murmured. "Okay, one suite-" "No thanks." I said. "And it doesn't have to be sweet." Fizz chuckled. "Oh, just one plain room?" Moonbeam asked. "Yes. Thanks. We would like one room. For us all. Are we starting to connect the dots?" Moxxie asked. Moondancer danced over and led us to our room. We all walked in. "Okay, very funny, where are we really staying?" Fizz asked. "This is the plain room you asked for with stuff for you all and it's plain. Are we starting to connect the dots?" she asked sarcastically. Then she slammed the door in our faces. "Okay." Millie said. I looked around. "Okay, Moxxie and Millie take the bed, Loona can have the bathtub, and...I guess me and Fizz can have the..." Fizz scanned the room. "There's a closet over there. We'll just have to sleep on the floor." he said. I groaned. That night I was looking for something to make the closet floor softer when I overheard Moxxie talking while he was brushing Millie's hair. "This is the worst. We're going to have to leave in the morning, first thing, the people are creepy, and we have to share a room with everyone." "Everything's going to be fine, Mox. It's only a night." "I guess your right." Moxxie sighed. "At least we have eachother." Millie said as she planted a kiss on Moxxie's cheek. I thought to myself. Millie was right, at least we had eachother. The next morning, Moonbeam burst open the door and started yelling through a megaphone. "WAKE UP PEOPLE IT'S TIME FOR A NUTRITIOUS BREAKFAST!" We all groaned. She literally yanked Loona out of the bathtub. Then we all stumbled downstairs. As breakfast was being prepared, Loona turned to me. "Don't you think this is a little weird? Strangers take us into their home, without asking for anything in payment. I don't know about you, but that's sus." she observed. "Look, Loona, we're going to be fine." I assured her. "What's the worst that could happen?" I asked. After breakfast, Moonbeam came up to us with a little girl with red hair in braids, holding a teddybear came up to us. "This is my little cousin Appleblossom." she introduced the child to us. "And this is my little twin brother and sister, Josiejune, and Brett." We greeted the children. "Um, we're just gonna get going now, thanks for letting us stay here, and you have a really nice family." Then the girl laughed. "Oh, right, silly me! I'm afraid you and your family can't leave!" "What?" We all asked in unison. "I am so so sorry, but me and my sisters were talking last night, and we decided that you could work here! We've been looking for family to join ours for a while now!" "Well we're sorry, but we're not joining your family!" Loona snapped. Moonbeam snapped her thin little fingers and Moondancer and Moonlight came up behind her with guns, pointed right at us. "I'm afraid, you don't have a choice." she said. Then she handed us all lists. "Red guy can take out the garbage, Clown can help him, Puppy can do the dishes-" "Puppy?" Loona cried. "And M&M can polish all the keys. I'd get started if I were you." Then she giggled and walked away. "The mother-fucking, bitch-" Loona was about to go after her, when I stopped her. "Leave the bitch alone. She may be horrible, but she's still a person." "What happened to, 'we kill humans for a living'?" Loona asked. "And we will, but there's too many of them." Loona sighed reluctantly, and we all got to work. Fizz looked disgusted at all the cat hair in the garbage. "There's fur everywhere and I've seen no dog, or cat! And Loona takes pills for shedding." Fizz said. "Ignore it, Fizz." I said stuffing a garbage bag in the dumpster. "What even is this place?" he asked. "I don't know, but tonight we're leaving." I said. Then Moonbeam came outside. "How's it going, you two? Now that your done, you can sweep the floors. She handed us brooms. "Okay, this is ridiculous! Seriously, when did you even have a cat?" Fizz cried. Moonbeam just walked away with that annoying giggle. We went inside to sweep the kitchen floor. Then Loona, who was doing the dishes still, glanced at us. "That kid has been staring us down ever since we got here, I think she wants to kill us." Loona said. "What kid?" I asked. She pointed to Josiejune, who was playing tic-tac-toe in the corner of the room with Appleblossom. Even though she was playing, she was focused on us. Loona and Fizz gulped. I didn't see anything to be scared of. After all, she was just a kid. That night, I gathered everyone on the bed. "Okay, so we're going to leave as soon as everyone is asleep." I said. "Here's what we're going to do-" Fizz pointed out the window. "Um, were there gates when we got here? And isn't it a little fishy, our car is outside the gates. And the gates are locked?" he asked. "So glad you could relize that! Moxxie, go get him a medal." I said. Fizz rolled his eyes. Then we snuck out of the room. We all crept down the hall, and then came to the door. It was locked. Moxxie looked around. "The key storage!" he whispered. "There's a key storage?" Loona asked. Millie nodded. "We had to polish all the keys remember?" she asked. They ran to the key storage and pulled out a ring of keys. Moxxie opened the door and then we saw lazers. "Oh shit." I said. "Let's dance!" Millie said grabbing Moxxie. They danced through the lazers and then looked at us. "Come on!" Moxxie cried. "We can't do that!" I snapped. "Right." Millie sighed. Then Fizz looked up. "I can jump over them." He concluded after a moment. "Are you willing to trust me?" he asked us. "Uh, no." I said at the same time as Loona. Then he grabbed us and jumped up to the roof of the building. I forgot he has robotic legs. Then he jumped over the lazers and we landed only a few inches away from them. Millie and Moxxie started searching for the key, when Loona leaned up against a wall, tripped, and fell on a lazer. "LOONA!" We all cried. Hopefully no one had heard. Then an alarm went off and everyone started pouring out of the motel. "MOXXIE HURRY UP!" "Ugh, it's never the first one you try. Or the second, or third..." "MOXXIE!" I snapped. "COME BACK! YOUR PART OF OUR FAMILY!!" Moonbeam cried. Moxxie finally unlocked the gate. It went up quickly and then slowly started coming down. Slow then fast. "Okay, we have to time this! Ready? On three, one-" "THREE!" Millie shreiked as she slid under with Moxxie on her tail. Fizz slid after them, and Loona pulled me into her slide. The gate went quickly up and we started the car I was driving this time. I stomped on the gas petal, but Moonbeam and her sisters and crazy family jumped on the car and started banging on the car window! "OPEN THE DOOR!" Miss Penny shrieked. I drove faster and faster until some of them flew off! Some of them fell off and I crushed them under the wheels. I heard Miss Penny shriek and then we heard a loud crunch. We all winced, and then cheered and kept driving. "WE'RE ALIVE!" Fizz and Loona cried. "WE'RE FREE!" Millie and Moxxie cried. "WE'RE MURDERERS!" We all cried. I honked the horn multiple times in victory. Then we all burst out laughing. "I even escaped with a souvenir!" Millie shouted triumphantly, holding up one of the pigtails of one of the sisters! I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm just happy we got away from Wednesday and the Adams Family." Fizz said. Millie giggled. "Adams Family?" Loona asked. "That's what it was like." Fizz said. Loon rested her hand on Moxxie. "AAAH! THE HAND!" Moxxie cried. Millie screamed playfully and Fizz held up a flashlight. "I have come for your soul." He said to Moxxie. "Your gonna have to fight for it!" Moxxie retorted. I laughed to myself and looked in the rearveiw mirror. "Bottled water for everyone!" Millie cried! She tossed water bottles to everyone. Just then Fizz opened the little table in the car and Josiejune fell out! We all screamed and the car crashed into a tree.

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