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"Mum, please can I get my phone back? I need it,"

Wonwoo begs the moment he gets home from school, the guilt of leaving Mingyu alone just like that clawing at him. He feels a quick text should do to apologise in the slightest.

"Here, yeah, you can have it. I don't really care, as long as you don't pull a stunt like that ever again."

"Promise, where is my phone?" He pauses. "Also... What about Dad? Are you gonna tell him?"

"As of now, no."

"What do you mean 'as of now'? Mum, please..." Wonwoo whines, trying to act cute, in hopes his mum lets him off the hook just this once. She seems to catch onto Wonwoo's tactic immediately, an amused smile creeping up onto her face.

"Hmm, I'll think about it. Now off you go," She hands Wonwoo his phone, and shoos him away. Wonwoo grins back, before dashing off to his room.


"YES MUM!" Wonwoo yells at the top of his lungs, hastily toeing said shoes off and peeling his socks off, just in case his mum comes upstairs to check.

He impatiently opens his texts, scrolling a bit to find Mingyu's contact. Once he does, he types in an urgent text, implying that he's sorry for leaving him like that, though Wonwoo still knows it isn't enough.

Surprisingly enough, a 'seen' flashes beneath his sent text, yet he receives no reply from Mingyu. Wonwoo's shoulders drop in disappointment. He does deserve a cold shoulder after what he's done. Giving Mingyu false hope because of his stupidity, and then not bothering to clear it out, leaving a misunderstood gap? That's definitely a shit move.

With half of his brain replaying the incident at school and anticipating an undeserved reply, Wonwoo rushes through his work for the weekend. If he completes most of it today, he'll have a relaxing next two days. It's humanely impossible to complete a shit ton of schoolwork in just a few hours, but Wonwoo likes to keep his hopes up - just like he's doing for Mingyu's reply.

He really doesn't understand why he's so worked up by a single reply.

As he slumps into his desk chair sometime in the evening, almost night, his phone buzzes, sending vibrations through the desk top. He fumbles with his hands, picks his phone up and checks who the text is from. To his delight, it's from Mingyu.

Nervous about wanting to read it, Wonwoo cautiously opens his chat with Mingyu. It's quite unlike Mingyu to send such a brief, cold, text - which asks Wonwoo to meet up somewhere on the upcoming Sunday.

'Where though?' Wonwoo types back immediately. Mingyu replies after a while, sending in the name of the café he'd bought the baguette from on his first day at school.

The memory makes Wonwoo grin at his phone, thinking about how ridiculous Mingyu can be at times.


Short update?

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