Chapter 47

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It was time for you to start afresh after you recovered from your recent sickness. Ms Rosalyne had returned home that day after your mother came back and wished for you to be well, and Ms Ningguang had come to meet you the next morning before she left for Liyue. You started going to the institute as per the schedule discussed with Ms Rosalyne and attended all lectures with her regularly, determined to do well and not fall behind. You decided to not pursue Ms Ningguang's offer, wanting to take things one step at a time and focus on more important things. Both Ms Rosalyne and your mother supported your decision, promising you that you'll do well and that there's nothing to worry about. 

It was a pleasant Saturday afternoon now when you were at Ms Rosalyne's home for your weekly lecture with her. You were seated inside her room on the bed as she had to do a few chores alongside, and she also had to prepare for an official dinner party later. She was arranging her laundry and answering your doubts simultaneously, eventually coming to your side to explain some topics then resuming her chores. You even offered to help her in the chores as you felt bad for taking up her time on a weekend, especially when she even had an arrangement later, but she refused your help.

"Hmm, say Y/n, which one do you think I should wear for the party?" Ms Rosalyne asked while holding 2 different garments in her hands. One was a dark red dress that went down till the knees and had a decently exposed neck with some shimmer, nothing too revealing nor fancy but elegant enough. The other was a set of full sleeved white topper with black pencil skirt, the topper had a loosely tied knot-like neckline with white diamonds on the collar while the skirt had a low cut near the thigh area, certainly more formal but also slightly daring given the length of the skirt.

You were surprised Ms Rosalyne was even interested to take your opinion on what to wear, you knew she had amazing dresses in her wardrobe and she'd look beautiful in any so it was hard for you to choose. But if she really cared for your opinion now then you wanted to please her and be honest. 

"Um.... do you mind wearing each of them and showing me? I don't think I can give a good opinion this way, ma'am."

"Oh sure, that's a good point. Let me quickly change into them. Do you want to ask some question before I go?"

"Oh no, I'm fine. I can do these on my own."

Ms Rosalyne nodded with a smile and went to the bathroom to change. Your heart was slightly beating in anticipation in seeing her in those gorgeous dresses. She came out after a while wearing the red dress first, it was a figure-hugging gown that showed her curves in every way just perfectly. She spun around and you saw it even had a low back, accentuating even more of her curves and perfect figure. Your face became warm seeing how beautiful she looked despite the lack of makeup and hairstyle; her natural beauty was amazing in itself. 

"Well, what do you think, Y/n?"

"Ah! Um, you are going to a dinner with your department's teachers, right?"

"Mhm, it's the retirement party of one of them, a complimentary dinner sponsored by the whole department."

"Hmm, then.... I feel it would be a little too much for it? I mean, it's only the teachers who are attending, right?"

"Yes, it's more of a formality thing, a custom happening for years and it would be rude to break now. We aren't going to such a high-end place either."

"I see, then perhaps something else? I don't mean to disrespect but you'd practically steal the show, hehe~" you teased with a chuckle, making Ms Rosalyne slightly blush and chuckle along.

"Well, I wouldn't mind that. But you are right, this isn't the right occasion. I'll try out the other one."

You nodded and she once again went to the bathroom while your mind was filled with the image of her wearing the red dress, wishing to see it longer. You continued waiting for Ms Rosalyne to come out but she was taking unusually long and you became slightly worried, until you finally heard her call for you.

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