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Chapter XIV
No One POV

Katsuki returned home, the whole walk typing out what had all happened. He then sent the long message and pocketed his phone. He was hungry. He got to Inko's house and knocked. She opened the door after a minute and smiled at the sweat soaked Katsuki. "How did it go?" She asked as she let him in.

"Fine, I saved a girl from a zero pointer and burned the crap out of my hands. Recovery Girl healed me though." Katsuki explained as he showed her his slightly pale but healed hands. "Are you going to train more today?" Inko asked as she started preparing a large meal, knowing Katsuki must be starving. "I might head out later tonight. I want to give myself a little bit of cool down time, I didn't have to work that hard but with Recovery Girl's quirk I should probably take a quick nap before I do anymore training.

"Alright, how about you go shower while I make dinner and then you can eat and then take a nap before going out to train." Inko suggested. "That would be great, thank you Auntie." Katsuki said with a small smile. "Of course honey, you are practically my second son at this point." She said with a gentle smile.

She really did see him as her son, she had known him all of his life. Katsuki also saw her as a second mother. He loved him mom but he also loved Inko like she was his mother. His smile remained on his lips as he headed upstairs and quickly showered.
He then rushed downstairs seeing Inko plating up some food. She heard him come down the stairs and looked up as he entered the dining room. She handed him his plate and he finished filling it before he sat down digging into the food. He quickly scarfed it down, getting seconds before finally feeling full. He thanked Inko once again before he laid down on the couch putting on a random show.

He fell asleep after a little while and napped for almost two hours before he awoke with a yawn. He sat up and stretched. Inko looked up from her book. She had a while ago sat down and turned off the show that was still playing and pulled out her book. Katsuki looked over at her as he stood up.

"I'm going to head out, I think I'm going to go home tonight." Katsuki said as he gathered his things. "Alright, I'll see you soon honey." Inko said with a smile as she watched him grab his keys, phone and earbuds and walk over to the door, slipping on his sneakers. "Yep, bye Auntie." Katsuki said before slipping out the door. He put his earbuds in before starting on his run.

He didn't return until almost 2 in the morning. He quietly unlocked the door to his house and slipped in. He closed the door taking off his shoes and then quietly walked up the stairs after grabbing a bottle of water and a thing of crackers. He then soundlessly slipped into his room dropping his things on his bed.

He slipped into a pair of sweatpants and pulled a hoodie over his head. He then curled up on his bed opening the crackers and water setting up a show on his phone. He hugged his pillow, the sweatshirt arm being next to his nose. He gently inhaled the scent sighing. This was one of the many things Izuku had scented for him before he had left. He missed the greenette greatly but there wasn't anything he could do about it now.

After a while the crackers where gone and the water bottle was empty. He pushed the plastic bag and the bottle off his bed before shutting off his phone and curling up under the blankets burying his nose on the sleeve of the hoodie trying to get the most of Izuku's scent.

After only a couple minutes he fell asleep. He stayed asleep late into the next morning. Mitsuki had checked on him at around 8 and saw a form of her son she didn't get to see very often, the calm side of him. The side that really felt things.
She had smiled at his sleeping figure which hadn't moved since he had fallen asleep the night before. She then gently closed the door. She told Masaru what see had seen and they both stayed quiet the rest of the morning.

It was almost 1:30 when Katsuki awoke. He yawned as he reached out stretching his stiff limbs. He regretted waking up as he just wanted to go back to sleep. He went to curl back up but then he saw the time. He sighed as he dragged himself out of bed. He groggily pulled himself to a stand before grabbing his phone and walking out of his room still half asleep.

He headed downstairs immediately walking into the kitchen making himself some toast. It popped up and he buttered it before dropping it onto a plate and walking into the living room. There he saw his mother and father sitting on the couch. They both looked towards him.

"How did the entrance exam go?" His dad asked breaking the silence. "Fine, the written part was easy." Katsuki said, almost a void of emotion. "What about the practical portion?" His mom asked. "Also fine, I saved a girl and burned my hands but I got healed." Katsuki said as he took a bite of his toast. He really didn't feel like socializing today. He just wanted to go back up to his room and watch shows all day.

Finally after what seemed to be hours, Mitsuki left Katsuki alone and he headed upstairs to his room. Once he was there his toast was already gone so he just flopped down on the bed and opened his phone. Izuku's hadn't responded to his text yet, it made Katsuki's heart throb a little bit but he knew that Izuku was probably busy so he did his best to ignore it.

So he turned on his favorite show and started to binge it. He spent the rest of the day and most of the night in his room.

1051 words

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