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Chapter XV
No One POV

Izuku had gotten Katsuki's message, and he read it, he really did, but he felt so tired that he just couldn't find it in him to respond. It went almost a week without an answer. Finally after a week of the guilt building in his stomach he responded. It really was interesting, but currently Izuku would rather be asleep. He didn't really care where, he just wanted to be asleep.

Their days seemed to be getting longer and longer, he had time to eat and sleep now, nothing else. He spent most of his time on set. He wasn't allowed to have his phone on him while on set, even if he wasn't doing anything. Izuku knew Katsuki would probably be getting his letter soon and he would want to call and celebrate with Izuku. Izuku couldn't help but dread it though.

He did not look great by any means. They were supposed to be getting a break at the end of the month but if Katsuki got into UA his classes would have already started by then. He sighed as he curled up in his bed holding a stuffed bear to his chest. It smelled very strongly like Katsuki. It was pressed against his nose, but it still wasn't strong enough.

He wanted to be able to smell the real thing. He already wanted to go home and it had only been a month. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to last the entire year. He had asked about Christmas and New Year's and they did have off, but it wasn't enough for Izuku to travel to Japan and back. He could go, spend one day there and then come back.

It just wasn't worth it. Tears slowly made their way down Izuku's cheeks as he slowly started to fall asleep.

Katsuki was training when he received the response from Izuku. He read it and sighed. It was short, but it just looked like Izuku was tired when he wrote it. He decided then that he would scent a couple things and then send them to Izuku. He knew he was tired, and when Izuku was tired he loved to curl up with Katsuki putting his nose right next to his scent gland. He loved Katsuki's scent.

He finished up his training for the day and then heavily scented the things and then packaged them up. He sent them paying for them to ship all the way to America and then flopped against his bed.

Two weeks later Izuku had gotten the packages and it definitely helped his mood. He became less tired and was a lot more cheerful. Katsuki had also received his letter. He opened it and a large hologram of All Might appeared. He announced that Katsuki had gotten in. Scoring extremely high with just villain points but he also received a large number of rescue points. He had the highest score UA has ever seen.
He smiled and texted Izuku to call him the first chance he got. A couple hours later and it was almost 7 o'clock when his phone rang. He picked it up after seeing the caller ID. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey Kacchan, what's up?" Izuku asked as he yawned. It was only 6 o'clock in the morning there and he had just gotten up.

"I got in." Katsuki said with a large smile on his face. "Got into wha-OH MY GOSH THAT'S AMAZING!" Izuku yelled after he realized what Katsuki was talking about. "I got the highest score UA has ever seen too." Katsuki said as he smiled. Izuku giggled now fully awake. "Of course you did, you're the best there is Kacchan." Izuku said with another giggle.

They talked for a while as Izuku got ready for his day. They had spent over two hours on the phone when Izuku reluctantly told Katsuki that he had to go. "Kacchan, I have to go." Izuku said with a small frown. "Okay, I'll talk to you later nerd, I love you." Katsuki said with a small smile. "I love you too." Izuku said with a smile before he hung up the phone.

He really should probably tell Hana and Alex what Katsuki actually was to him. He still hadn't told them. He was planning to but then the same night he was going to Hana mentioned how she was slightly against mating, and especially mating young. Izuku then decided to not tell them.

He just didn't want to lose what he had.
But now he felt guilty that he was hiding a large part of his life from them. On set they had a prepared scent patch that matched his skin that he put on when he was acting, because one they didn't want his mate mark to show, and two he really had to conceal his scent because it was abnormally strong.

It bothered a lot of the people on set the first day when they had just used makeup to cover up his scent mark. He had to stay after hours to get the scent patch specifically made. Hana hadn't been on set that day and Alex wasn't even in the same movie so neither of them had ever been around him when he didn't have a scent patch on.

The only time he didn't wear them now was when he was in his apartment by himself, which was becoming more and more often as they were all starting to get more busy. He knew it was only a matter of time before they were around him when he didn't have a scent patch on but he was going to try to make that stay as far away as possible.

He wasn't scared of either of them but he knew his scent was strong and he didn't know how well either of them would react to it. A couple of alphas had gone a little crazy on set the day he didn't have a scent patch on. He was just a little nervous.
He knew they wouldn't hurt him but he didn't know how they would react otherwise.

1027 words

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