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Chapter XX
No One POV

He groaned as he opened his eyes, squinting at the bright light. "Ah hello Katsuki, Aizawa is informing your parents about what has happened. Now your hands are healed, but you might not want to unwrap them, as you know my quirk speeds up the healing process using one's own stamina. It cannot bring things back, so your hands are healed, but there is no skin currently on your hands. They will be fine, maybe a little sore, but they are not going to look great. I have a friend who will be here in a couple days that will be able to regenerate the skin on your hands, but for now I recommend keeping them wrapped up." She told him.

"Can I see my hands?" He asked her. He was slightly nervous but he was going to have to face it. "You may, but here." She said handing him a trash can. She then took his hands out of his view and unwrapped them, as soon as they came back into view he was very happy she had given him the trash can. He had immediately vomited into the trash can.
Sure he had seen diagrams of what muscles and bones looked like, but on his own hands, and with the veins, that you could see the blood flowing through, he couldn't keep his last couple meals down. Recovery Girl sighed as she wrapped his hands back up. "Yeah, I'll help you wrap them up, they aren't a pretty sight to see. I'm going to suggest with classes starting up tomorrow that you get one of your classmates to take notes for you, and you are prohibited from using your quirk until my friend comes, do you understand, you could very easily burn your muscles, bones, and veins." She told him.

He nodded at her. "May I have a quirk canceling bracelet, my quirk, as it has gotten stronger will activate on it's own sometimes." Katsuki asked. He didn't really want to further damage his hands. He knew that his AP shot was going to damage his hands, he knew that going into it, he just didn't realize that it was going to burn his flesh off.

He heard a sigh and looked over to see Shota pulling a phone away from his ear. "I've informed your parents, they are coming to see you." Shota said as he sat down on the bed. "Okay." Katsuki said as he looked down at his now wrapped up hands. "You knew what you were doing didn't you." Shota said as he looked at his favorite problem child. "Well not exactly, I knew it was going to damage my hands, I mean I've set off less intense explosions that were hot enough to melt metal and glass. I guess I should have figured it would be really bad since that was a lot more powerful then any of those, and not to mention how much more condensed it was, but I didn't realize that it was you know, going to melt my skin off." Katsuki said as he stared at his lap.

He couldn't wait until his mother got here. She was going to be so mad at him, he should know better than to set of that powerful of an explosion that he knew was going to damage his hands, but he had to, he had to know if it would work, he had to.
He didn't even look up when he heard the door slam. "Katsuki!" A voice yelled. Now his head snapped up, that wasn't his mother, that was Inko. "Ma'am you can-" Aizawa was cut off by the green haired woman. "Do you realize how dangerous that was?! Did it work!?" The woman yelled rushing over to Katsuki. Shota was going to get whiplash at how fast this woman changed her mood, she went from mad to excited in one breath. "It did." Katsuki said with a genuine smile as the woman hugged him in excitement. "Oh my god! That's amazing!" She yelled kissing his forehead.

Now Shota understood, now this wasn't Katsuki's mother, this was his mate's mother, someone he saw as a second mother. The door then burst open for the second time. "Katsuki! You should know better than to be this reckless!" His mother came in yelling followed by his mother. "Do you know what this little stunt of yours could have cost you?!" His mother yelled, her lips turned down in anger.

Now Shota understood why Katsuki really liked his mate's mother. She was caring and kind, while his mother was strict and disciplined. "I had to!" Katsuki yelled. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE UNLOCKING A NEW PART OF YOUR QUIRK THAT COULD MAKE YOU SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL, AND BE ABLE TO UNLOCK  THINGS THAT YOU COULD ONLY EVER DREAM OF!" Katsuki screamed at his mother. Built up anger was pouring out of the blond.

The older blonde could not stand it. "You do-" She was cut off when Katsuki yelled again. "Stop with your STUPID FUCKING RULES, maybe I wouldn't be here if you let me FUCKING TRAIN MY QUIRK! AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT WAS FOR IZUKU BECAUSE IZUKU FUCKING ENCOURAGED ME TO TRAIN WITH IT! HE KNEW IT WAS STRONG AND WANTED ME TO GET STRONGER SO I WOULDN'T FUCKING INJURY MYSELF TRYING TO USE IT!" Katsuki screamed as he stood up facing his mother. "Quirkless training is important, but training with my quirk is just as important, and necessary or this is going to happen!" Katsuki yelled before holding up his hands, which he had unwrapped without anyone noticing.

Inko and his father both vomited while Mitsuki stood there, her face stricken with shock. "Oh honey." Inko said gently as she brought Katsuki into her arms. Shota ushered Katsuki's parents out of the room and then watched silently as Katsuki broke down in tears in Inko's arms. "Are you going to tell Izuku?" Inko asked. "Not until everything is healed, he'll want to rush back here if he knows while I'm still injured." Katsuki said as he clung to Inko.

1030 words

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