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Chapter XVII
No One POV

A couple months had passed, the USJ incident had happened and it left them all slightly traumatized. They had gone to the camp and the villains had gotten too close for comfort to kidnapping him, but luckily with his quick thinking he had escaped from the hand around his neck without any injuries. He had positioned his foot behind Dabi's while he was distracted by his classmates, and then swung his other leg up kicking Dabi in the face at the same that he tripped him.

His classmates definitely had a new level of respect for Katsuki after that. He had a hand on his throat that could have killed him at any second and he still fought back and won, practically unscathed too.

Now a couple months later, they already had the dorms, and they were supposed to be going home for the holidays. The only problem was, Katsuki didn't really want to go home. He didn't want to celebrate Izuku's favorite holidays without Izuku. So here he was going to Shota after class two days before Christmas break.

He walked up to his desk and his teacher's head rose to look at him. "Is there something wrong Bakugo?" Shota asked. He had only had the blond as a student for a couple months now but he knew that the blond was almost always serious, he had only seen him smile a couple times, and only once had he seen him laugh. "Are we allowed to stay in the dorms over Christmas break?" Katsuki asked staying just as serious as before.

"You are, as many of us teachers are still on campus for any students that cannot go home, but may I know why you are asking?" Shota asked, slightly concerned for his student. Usually when kids avoided going home it was because something was wrong at home, but Katsuki had not shown any signs of that, ever. "I can explain, but it will take a while." Katsuki told him, his features softening slightly. Shota saw the change in his student and motioned for Katsuki to sit, giving him the get go to start explaining.

"My mother met her best friend when she was young, and they remained friends well into adulthood. They both found their spouses, and when they found out that they were both pregnant around the same time they were delighted. I was born and then not even three months later, Inko Midoriya gave birth to her son. That is my mother's best friend." Katsuki said filling him on the start of everything.

"Me and Izuku grew up together, and we were quite young when my parents had to explain to us what love was. We were five at the time, by the time I was six I had realized that what my parents had described as love, I felt towards Izuku. And so I told him, he said he felt the same way, so essentially we started dating when we were six. We weren't essentially in love at six but as we got older it did blossom into love. After getting permission from both of our parents I asked Izuku on his 13th birthday if we would mate with me.

He agreed and we did, I practically lived at his house, and it took a lot to separate us. But back in June Izuku received a letter, if you haven't recognized him name yet, Izuku is a higher up actor and singer. He had received a letter from Riverside studios to go to America to be in one of their new movies.

It was a very good offer, and after a couple days I convinced him to go." Katsuki paused in his explanation for a minute letting everything sink in before continuing. "He left at the end of July and well his favorite holiday was Christmas, it feels wrong celebrating without him here." Katsuki finished as he looked down at his lap.

He trusted his teacher but he had never told anyone other than Izuku how he really felt. "It's not great that your mate is in America, but I am happy for you, you found the love of your life at a very young age, most people don't ever find their person." Shota said as he looked at favorite problem child. "Are your parents okay with your decision?" Shota asked. He was totally fine with Katsuki staying here but he had to make sure his parents were okay with it first.

"Yeah, my parents really don't care and Izuku's mom told me that she didn't really feel like celebrating anyway, I most likely would have gone to her house if I couldn't stay at the dorms." Katsuki explained. "Alright, then I have no problem with you staying here, I will probably be checking on you at least once a day though." Shota told him before Katsuki stood up. "Okay also Aizawa Sensei." Katsuki said making Shota turn to him.

"Izuku is quirkless, but don't you dare think he is weak, he taught me, I would like to spar sometime, quirkless." Katsuki said with a grin that made even Shota shiver before he walked out of the room. That would explain why the blond worked so severely with his quirk, he wanted to get his quirk to match his quirkless abilities.

Shota shivered as he gathered his things to leave to go to his dorm. Katsuki really was one heck of a kid. He was very curious about what he could do, he may also be a little nervous. Most students would be terrified to face a teacher, even more fighting Shota, who already pretty much fought quirkless, quirkless.

It put a little excitement in Shota's heart that his student was challenging him to a quirkless battle. Meanwhile Katsuki walked back to his dorm, a blank expression making it's way on his face. He hadn't talked to Izuku in a while, he really wanted to hold the greenette in his arms. It had been a long time since he had felt that same comfort with anyone. He sighed as he softened his expression. He was determined that after New Year's he was going to try his damn hardest to make some friends, for Izuku's sake. Izuku had always felt bad that Katsuki didn't have any friends because he spent all of his time with Izuku but at the time he couldn't find it in him to care about anyone but his family and his mate.

Now his mate wasn't here, and he wasn't even seeing his family really anymore, he could at least try, Eijiro had been trying to be his friend for a while but Katsuki had always pushed the red haired boy away, he figured it was time to give friendship a try.

1137 words

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