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Chapter XVIII
No One POV

It was December 23rd and today was the day Katsuki would spar with his teacher. He wasn't even really nervous, being around Izuku constantly, some of his habits had rubbed off on him. He had analyzed the male quite a bit. He knew his weaknesses and his strengths, meanwhile Shota knew none of his weaknesses or strengths, he probably knew them when it came to his quirk but he had never even seen Katsuki fight quirklessly. Katsuki smirked to himself as he grabbed his phone and a quirk canceling cuff.

He had the cuff so when he trained quirkless, he could actually feel like he was quirkless and wouldn't accidentally use his quirk, which was getting harder and harder as his quirk got stronger, it went off a lot now when he was angry. He pulled a coat on and then walked out of his dorm. He slowly made his way to one of the training buildings and entered using his student card.

He walked over to the bench dropping his phone and coat on the bench before starting to stretch. He had his eyes closed going through the motions that he knew by heart by now. He had heard the door open and close, knowing that Shota had arrived but decided to ignore him. Shota walked up to him and was just about to speak when Katsuki spoke.

"Are you ready to spar?" Katsuki asked scaring the crap out of Shota because he didn't think the blond he knew he was there. Katsuki gave a grin as he stood, cracking his knuckles as he faced Shota.
"I don't really care if you try to use your quirk or not because it isn't really going to do anything." Katsuki said as he raised his hand showing him the quirk canceling cuff. "Okay, are you ready then?" Shota asked as he mentally prepared himself, most kids would try to sneakily use their quirks in this situation, but Katsuki was intentionally making sure he couldn't cheat. "Yep." Katsuki said as he walked a couple steps away from the bench and then got into a fighting stance.

Shota walked over and matched his stance, they seemed in sync as they both leaped into action at the same time. Katsuki watched his opponent blocking a quick kick at his neck. He was pushed backward but didn't receive any damage. Shota then realized just how difficult this battle was going to be. Katsuki was blocking every single one of his moves, and he had time to fight back, but decided not to, Katsuki looked...bored.

Before he even knew what was happening his head was snapped to the side and he felt a sharp pain on his cheek, he then felt a foot lodge behind his, Katsuki then roundhouse kicked him and sent him flying tripping over Katsuki's foot causing him to twist painfully before making contact with the ground.

He was too shell shocked to even try to get back up. Shota laid there for a minute going over the memory trying to figure out how Katsuki pulled that out of nowhere without any warning in his body language at all. While trying to figure it out he did notice something, Katsuki had his eyes closed most of the fight. Shota quickly stood up. His back ached slightly but he ignored it. "You did that with your eyes closed." Shota said.

It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Katsuki gave a nod, not speaking any words. "How the hell did you learn how to do that?" Shota couldn't help but ask. This kid was remarkably strong. It honestly scared Shota. If that's what he could do blind, he couldn't imagine what he could do with all of his senses. "Training, there are a lot of situations that may make you lose one of your senses, it is good to be able to fight despite the lack in a sense. I know how to fight deaf also, and one of the worst combinations, blind and deaf. It sure as hell isn't easy, but I can do it." Katsuki told him.

"Can you take more than one opponent?" Shota asked, if Katsuki would agree he wanted to get Hizashi and team up with him to fight him, because he sure as hell would not be beating him anytime soon. "Sure, who am I facing?" Katsuki asked.
"Myself and Present Mic." Shota said as he pulled out his phone texting the blond male he called his husband. "Alright, I'm assuming he will be here soon, in the mean time I would like to train a little bit." Katsuki said before he walked away. Shota stared at Katsuki in slight awe as he watched him fight the air as he waited for Hizashi to get there.

After almost fifteen minutes the older blond entered the room. He walked over to Shota not even seeing Katsuki. "Hey, what did you need?" He asked Shota. "We will be battling one of my students." Shota told him. "Wha? But didn't your students all go home for the holidays, also wouldn't that be a little unfair, we are both pro heroes." Hizashi said as he frowned.

"Katsuki didn't go home for personal reasons and he has agreed, I have already battled him once quirkless." Shota told him. "Problem child!" Shota then yelled to get the younger blond's attention. The blond jogged over to them. "Do you want Present Mic to fight quirkless?" Shota asked.

"No, the playing field isn't always even." Katsuki said a look of seriousness on his face. Now Hizashi had never seen Katsuki fight before, and didn't know at all what Katsuki was talking about. Katsuki barely spoke in his class, unless it was to answer a question, and Hizashi could not name a single time that the blond's answer had been wrong. "Alright then. Let's get started." Shota said as they all walked away from the benches.

They all got into a fighting stance, and they were just about to start when Katsuki grabbed a blindfold out of his pocket and tied it around his eyes. Shota recognized it as he was truly going to fight the entire battle blind, but it just left Hizashi confused. Why was the kid willingly giving himself a disadvantage. He didn't think it about it too much when he saw that Shota had not wavered in his stance at all.

The battle then started. Katsuki blocked Shota's kick at the same time that he shot himself to the side, swiping under Hizashi's leg, knocking him off balance. Hizashi then let out a loud yell that made Katsuki's ears ring, but if he heard it he didn't react. Katsuki stopped for a second before doing a quick spin into a roundhouse kick, successfully sending Shota flying to the side. He then faced back to Hizashi and started relentlessly attacking, which was starting to exhaust Hizashi as he kept blocking the attacks.

What was weird was that instead of Katsuki starting to tire out he seemed to be gaining speed and force. Hizashi was just about to land an attack when Katsuki brought his knee up kneeing Hizashi in the jaw, making the hero stumble back clutching his jaw in pain. Shota got up and declared the match over.

Katsuki smirked as he pulled the blindfold off of his face. Both of his teachers were shocked that he had that much power and force in his body. "Kid how much did you train?" Shota asked as he approached the younger blond. "I've been training for as long as I can remember, and I've always trained quirkless, always, I haven't trained my quirk ever before until I came here." Katsuki told them.

Shota's jaw dropped. "How is your quirk so strong then?" Hizashi asked in amazement. He had heard plenty of stories form Shota about how strong this kid's quirk was, and how much he must have trained it. "My guess is that as my body grew stronger, my quirk grew stronger with it." Katsuki said with a shrug. "Kid you are insanely strong. You could probably be a hero now if you wanted too." Shota said speaking his mind.
"Well actually I couldn't you need a high school degree to be a hero, that's why you don't see any heroes that haven't graduated from high school. I tried to become a hero back in middle school but was declined to even take the test because of my age." Katsuki explained.

"Here at UA though, I get to train my quirk to become stronger." Katsuki said with a shrug. He didn't really mind that much. He was just glad he was where he was, he wouldn't trade it for anything, his strength made him proud, and it made all those late hours of training worth it.

1479 words

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