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Chapter XXVI
No One POV

"Let's do it Bakubabe's room." Mina practically demanded. Katsuki sighed as he led them up to his room. There was no fighting Mina when it came to sleepovers. They all entered his room, except for Jiro who had left to hang out with Momo. "Can I invite Shinso?" Denki asked pulling out his phone. "Sure, he can help us try to figure out who is mated with Izuku." Mina responded.

Katsuki groaned. "I'm going to bed, you airheads, don't bug me." Katsuki told them as he turned over laying on his bed. "Come on Bakubabe, we are going to need all the help we can get on this!" Mina exclaimed. "Well of fucking well, I don't care about some celebrity's love life." Katsuki as he put his earbuds in and tuned out the rest of the people in his room.

He heard Mina complaining as his music started playing. After a little while he fell asleep. He was awoken a couple hours later when the bed was jostled. He turned to see Mina giggling to Denki while they were both sitting on the floor, the rest of the people in the room asleep. "What are you idiots doing?" Katsuki asked as he sat up.
His voice was still rough with sleep and it scared the crap out of the awake teenagers that weren't paying any attention to him. Denki screamed waking all the others. Eijiro sat up quickly, banging his head off of Katsuki's dresser. Hitoshi had shot up along with Hanta both of them looking around. "Idiots, fucking idiots." Katsuki grumbled before turning over and attempting to fall back asleep.

The other's looked around confused. "What just happened?" Hanta asked completely and utterly confused. "I guess we accidentally woke Bakugo up, and we didn't realize and then he scared us and I screamed." Denki explained with a very red face, not that anyone could see it with how dark it was in the room.

"Oh." Eijiro said as he rubbed his forehead. "You both need to go to bed." Hitoshi said as he grabbed Denki pulling him over to him. Denki just nodded as he curled into Hitoshi's embrace. Mina just crossed her arms and laid down. She wasn't tired and didn't really feel like going to bed.
After a while they all had fallen asleep. They were all soundlessly asleep when Katsuki's phone went off. He jolted awake and grabbed his phone. He opened it and saw Izuku had texted him. 'Kacchan did you see it! The trailer for the movie came out!' Izuku had texted. The three dots then appeared. 'Shoot, you're asleep.' Izuku had sent. 'I'm awake nerd. I heard about the trailer from my friends, I haven't been able to watch it yet though.' Katsuki responded.
'My friends have also found out that you are mated, and thanks to Hanta, they know it's someone that he might know.' Katsuki sent. 'Oh, are you going to tell them?' Izuku asked. 'I'll tell them when you are back in Japan.' Katsuki told him. 'Okay.' Izuku sent before sending an excited smiley face. 'We have a month left until I come back!' Izuku sent happily. 'Yeah, I can't wait to see you again.' Katsuki sent with a smile on his face.

'Oh! I'm also bringing Hana and Alex with me, Hana said it was time she visited her family again and Alex hasn't meet her family yet so they figured they could come with me and meet you in person too.' Izuku sent. He was very happy about what the end of the month held in store. 'Aright, I'm excited to meet them in person.' Katsuki sent back.

'How's being on set been?' Katsuki asked. 'Good, were wrapping up the movie now, but their still so much to do.' Izuku replied. 'Do you want to call instead of texting?' Izuku asked. 'Sure just give me a minute, I'm having a sleepover with the squad, they are all asleep though. I'll just step out of the room.' Katsuki sent before standing up and carefully making his way out of his dorm.

He got out of the dorm and closed the door before sliding down the wall and clicking on the call button to Izuku's contact. "Hey Kacchan!" Izuku's voice resounded through the phone. "Hey baby." Katsuki said with a smile. "What are you doing?" Katsuki asked. "Waiting for Hana to get back with our dinner. Alex is on set tonight, and Hana agreed to have dinner with me." Izuku explained. "Ah." Katsuki said as he smiled just from hearing his mate's voice.

"How have you been Kacchan?" Izuku asked. "Okay, we've been training quite a bit since finals are next week, but other than that pretty normal. The squad is having more sleepovers, and I'm pretty sure Momo and Jiro are a thing now, since Jiro's been missing a lot of squad events to hang out with Momo." Katsuki explained.
"Good for them." Izuku replied happily. "Yeah." Katsuki replied as he looked up when he heard footsteps coming down the hallway. He saw Shota coming down the hallway. "Problem child what are you doing sitting outside your room at this hour?" Shota asked when he saw Katsuki. "The squad's having a sleepover, and Izuku wanted to call." Katsuki explained.

"Speaking of, Izuku, would you like to meet one of my teachers?" Katsuki asked. "Sure, which one?" Izuku asked. "Eraserhead." Katsuki answered. Katsuki heard Izuku gasp. "Sensei would you like to meet Izuku?" Katsuki asked looking up at the older male.

"I guess." Shota said as he sat down. Katsuki set his phone on the ground and put it on speaker. "You're on speaker now nerd." Katsuki said to Izuku. "Alright! Hello!" Izuku said to Shota. "Hello Izuku." Shota said as he leaned against the wall across from Katsuki. "It's nice to meet you, you're actually my favorite hero, it's so cool that you're Kacchan's teacher."Izuku said starting to ramble.

Katsuki saw Shota give a small smile. They sat there for a while before Katsuki started yawning. He was tired. After saying goodbye Izuku hung up and Shota told Katsuki to go to bed. Katsuki nodded before making his way back into his room and curling up falling asleep almost instantly.

1049 words

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