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Chapter XIX
No One POV

The rest of Christmas break went relatively well, he trained more, despite his teachers saying he really should take a break, he couldn't take a break now that he had started. And by started he meant started training back when he was 10. He was proud of himself for being ahead of track on his training goals. If he kept moving at this rate he was going to be able to some really cool moves here soon.

He had been working on this back flip move where he could very quickly knock out his opponent and pin them to the ground. He would back flip up and kick the back of their head effectively knocking them out and then landing on their back where he could quickly restrain them. He had been training with some dummies and was also practicing tying them up. He hadn't even noticed the one day when Shota had entered the gym and was watching him.

He was fighting with his eyes open for once and Shota couldn't help but be completely baffled at the speed and force that the boy was using, his accuracy was scary good too, and then when he did his new move Shota's jaw dropped open. He had never seen anyone do that before but holy shit it looked pretty dang efficient. He had no clue where Katsuki had learned any of this, but wow he needed that person to teach his class some of these things.

And then when Katsuki added his quirk to his style of fighting, it got deadly, quickly. Fatal points had to be avoided, and minor injuries, were not so minor. He was easily the most powerful student Shota had ever taught. He couldn't wait for this kid to grow up and blow up with popularity.

They were on the last day of Christmas break when Shota walked in to see Katsuki doing some quirk training. He had his hands stretched out to his sides and then fired large scale explosions, which caused Shota's ears to ring. He walked over and Katsuki stopped.

"What are you doing?" Shota asked, quite curious, Katsuki was drenched in sweat, and his eyes were slightly dilated. "Quirk training." Katsuki replied as he panted. "I could tell that but like what exactly are you doing?" Shota asked, usually he could tell what his students were trying to improve with quirk training but he was completely clueless to this.

"So repeated explosions especially close to the ears can cause ear ringing, and if it goes on long enough, deafness. Luckily my quirk prevents me from going deaf, but it does make my ears ring, quite a bit too, but if I can get my explosions loud enough, it should cause a special point in my ears to pop and then they won't be able to ring anymore. If you want to watch I recommend putting noise canceling headphones on. My explosions are loud enough to make you deaf currently." Katsuki explained.

"You sure?" Shota asked, he couldn't help but feel something was going to go wrong and Katsuki was going to go deaf. "Yep, every person will a loud quirk should have these special points, which means Present Mic should have them too, I wouldn't go just trying it out though." Katsuki said before tossing Shota a pair of noise canceling headphones.

He caught them before walking away and sitting down putting the headphones on. He then gave a thumbs up and then Katsuki positioned himself again. Katsuki then started letting out huge explosions, each one louder than the last. His ears were ringing really badly, and he closed his eyes in pain but continued. He kept going, the pain only getting worse before, a shrill scream escaped his throat as he fell to the ground.

It felt like his explosions had gone off in his head. Tears cascaded down his face as he knelt on the ground. Shota had heard the scream it was so loud. He saw Katsuki fall to the ground and immediately pulled the headphones off and ran over. The last round of explosions hadn't gone off and he was worried at that, but then the scream and the pain on Katsuki's face explained everything.

Just as Shota was about to wrap his arms around Katsuki and try to get his attention to see if he could still hear, Katsuki sat up. The look on his face was like no other. "Back up." He told Shota as he stood up. "Put the headphones back on." Katsuki told him as he put his hands up. He held them above his head as he watched Shota put the headphones back on.

He then watched as Katsuki moved his hands letting out small explosions, growing bigger by the millisecond. He then had to look away at the blinding light, and he thought the building was coming down at the loud noise. It made his ears ring even with the headphones. He waited for a second before looking back at Katsuki. He saw Katsuki smirking and staring a deep channel in front of the boy. The ground had melted away. He rushed over, peeling off the headphones.

"What the hell was that!?" Shota yelled at the blond. "An AP shot. Something that should be impossible for me to do because of the high decibel level, but that little quirk training worked. It was painful, it felt as if my explosions went off in my head, but it worked. Now...you might...want to get...Recovery...Girl." Katsuki said as his vision started to blacken. He looked at his hands and almost vomited, he could see the muscle behind all the blood.He started swaying before he vomited in his mouth and then collapsed unconscious.

"Katsuki!" Shota yelled as he caught his favorite problem child. He pulled out his phone and clicked on Recovery Girl's contact calling her. "Pick up, pick up." He mumbled as he heard the phone ring. "Hello?" Recovery Girl asked as she picked up. "Can you come to Gym F, Katsuki was training and he may have overused his quirk a little bit." Shota said as he saw Katsuki's bleeding hands.

"How bad is it?" Recovery Girl asked as she rushed to gather her things and get to the gym. Shota took a better glance at Katsuki's hands and his stomach churned. It was absolutely disgusting. "Oh God. There isn't any skin left on his palms and the inner part of his fingers." Shota said nausea catching up to him quickly. Just then the gym door burst open. It was Recovery Girl. She immediately rushed over taking Katsuki from Shota. Shota took a couple steps away and vomited.

Shota was used to blood and gore, but seeing the muscles and bones of the hands of his favorite student and the boy he had begun to see as a son was nauseating. He finished and walked back over to Recovery Girl. His hands were wrapped up and he seemed to not be bleeding anymore, at least it didn't seem like it. "I've patched him up, I've healed him to the best of my ability, but sadly my quirk speeds up the healing process, my quirk cannot bring skin back, I will have to reach out to a friend to see if he can come and regenerate the skin on his hands. It's healed but without doing that his muscles and veins with forever be exposed." Recovery Girl told him.

"We can take him back to my office and then I will call my friend while you call his parents." Recovery Girl said handing Katsuki to Shota. Shota nodded as he followed Recovery Girl carrying Katsuki. They got to her office and Shota set him down on one of the beds and called his parents. He informed them of what had happened and told them what would happen next.

Meanwhile Recovery Girl got her friend to agree and he said he would be there after a couple days. She then hung up and walked out. Shota was still on the phone and she saw Katsuki stirring, it surprised her as she thought he would have been out a lot longer than that.

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