Prologue: Separation

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The cool thing about fanfiction is that I can just randomly wreck the fourth wall whenever I want, so expect there to be at least a few of these among the chapters (I'm not gonna slap them in the middle of anything tho-) I'll also use this format to clarify whose perspective is each chapter or fragment because it looks cool as shit


Ah, it is gone. Just as it appeared, it went away. Not that I am complaining. Without that worthless fog, there is no reason to stay here. I will not wait, not even a minute. I am leaving.

As I pack my things, I notice a fuss on the courtyard. "We're doomed, the witches will come for us!" "Our protection is gone?!" "As if dragons weren't enough of a threat..." Ugh, they are all so petty. They do not understand the beauty that is beared by those who practice the so-called "unholy" arts of witchcraft.

I do not have time to deal with that, though. There are more important matters in my hands, like the choices of what I can or cannot take with me. I am not familiar with the outside world, so I am not certain. Stealing an armor is a possibility that lingers in my mind, despite how risky it could get. I notice the tone of the voices from outside switching suddenly. They sound more... Relieved. Before I can pick up anything they say, I hear a voice.

-Eloise!-it calls. Oh, it is her.

-Hi, Leonora-with a bit of luck, I will not look too suspicious.

-My brother is back! He brought some friends along. You won't believe what they look li...-Oh God, she falls silent. I hope she does not ask me anything too compromising.

The pause is stressful, if I say so myself. Then, the princess finally speaks again:-What's all of that for?
She is worried, I can tell. For what? I hope it is not me. It could be her brother. Alexander had gone to the mythical island with a strange creature quite a while ago. In all honesty, I was not expecting him to return safe and sound. Maybe she fears he is injured. Because there is nothing in me that she should be concerned about.

-I am leaving. Do not inform your father. -I finally answer. My face has not changed much throughout the whole conversation. Hers is starting to show a frown. She does not reply. Well, it is not like there is much to say.
I leave the room, my possessions scattered across my bed. I still need to figure out what I have to bring, so I will ask Alexander. Surely he has to know whatever is out there. I just hope it is not disappointing.

I feel Leonora staring at me, but she does not dare utter a word. I am not sure if this is the last time we will see each other, but if it is, then it makes an incredibly foolish goodbye.

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