XIV.The horizon

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He's gonna scold us all, is he not? Gene's mad. He doesn't usually show too much emotion through his facial expressions, but it's so very noticeable now. I sit still in the Chameleon, Brock on my right and Twinkle on my left, awaiting the unavoidable. We're all looking at the standing scientist. One of his hands is squeezing Ruby's chair. It's good that he made the seats so resistant, or else it might've broken already.

--Do you even know--he starts, his voice shaky, presumably from holding anger back--how much of a mess you've caused?

Twinkle and I stay quiet, meanwhile Brock scoffs.

--Me and Twi got your asses out of there, bro! You should thank us!

--THANK you?! How are we supposed to learn anything about Ruby and Leonora's whereabouts if we can't even get to the dungeons?!

--OH! We were meant to go there?--Brock glances at me and the fairy with an utterly clueless expression--I didn't know it, bro! Give me a break!

--For the last time, Rock Brock--Gene sounds pissed as ever. I don't think anything could've prepared me to listen to him yelling for the first time in my life:--I AM NOT YOUR "BRO"! I DOUBT ANYONE WOULD EVER WANT TO BE CALLED THAT BY YOU IN A GENUINE MANNER!

While getting shouted at, my dear friend looks like a kid arguing about the pettiest thing with his parents. He then stares at me.

--Franzy, we're leaving! This guy's no fun, let's go back to the Lost World!

I was about to answer, but Gene was faster:--Oh, no, you're not going ANYWHERE. I'm not risking having to drag you out of that cave again. That witch may know how to get everywhere, but at least here you'll be supervised. AND MAYBE YOU'LL EVEN STOP ACTING LIKE A DAMN FIVE YEAR OLD.

Silence boils us for a moment.


Why am I feeling the same thing from the day I got banned from the castle? :( Is it because I messed up my spells again? But I can be useful! I promise I can, I just have to find the right way to cast them! It can't possibly be so hard, can it? Why do other fairies master it all so quickly?? :"<

Gene yelled at us for a few more minutes, but then he had to go back to driving because the Baron's bad guys found the Chameleon. It was in invisible mode, but a knight had hit himself with it while walking so he had found our hiding spot!! D:

The way back was way too quiet, so I decided to think about the stars instead of facing my friends :/ I think only a few hours were left until they rose again!


The discussion wasn't long. We departed immediately after our choice was made, and so we now stand before the very land of golden lies. My eyes wander, seeking an appropriate offering, a body that bears pure blood. The other truthseekers dwell on performing our attack already.

--We cannot get ahead of ourselves--I insist, my gaze resting on my hands. Their corruption never bothered me. However, it symbolizes the price I must pay for my abilities just as much as it represents my power--. The process is slow. I will be ready to strike in an hour maximum.


Blood... A boat... And...
...Alien? Alien, nudging my head... On the ground... I couldn't find my hat.

--Hello..?--A nervous, feminine voice kept calling over and over--. Aw man, I should've gone to Technopolis instead...

I tried to reach for my saber, but it turned out that it was a lot harder after getting knocked out by God knows what. I think that whoever's on the ship had seen me moving, because they suddenly started poking my face.

--Hey, you're not dead! Hi theree!!--hey seemed to be very energetic for someone surrounded by the smell of blood.

--Ugh, shut up...--I groaned.

--Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine--all of their enthusiasm was gone for the seconds that sentence lasted.

--Who even...

--I'm Ana!!--the stranger cut me off--. You kinda came here and just randomly dropped to the floor, which was totally not cool, like, at all... I happened to be here, minding my business... Because did you know that some stinky pirate wanted to take advantage of Kingsland's weakened state after the attack to try and steal the goddamned teapot?! I didn't actually give a shit about it, but my sis told me "Get your ass there, they have enough bullshit  going on already!!" and so I came here and KABUM!!

"My God" I was thinking to myself, "I hope she doesn't speak this much all the time..."

I tried to look up to identify how the annoying girl looked. It took me a few tries, since the afternoon's sunlight blinded me.

She was looking down at me, sitting on the ship's deck. Her eyes were brown, just like mine. Her hair was astonishingly long, I supposed that's why she had it up in two bun-ponitails. The goggles that were resting there on her head reminded me of the old stuff hidden in Technopolis' depths.
Her clothing didn't look like that of any of the islands, it came closer to the vibe Rock Brock's gave. She wore blue baggy jeans and a sleeveless shirt with a black strap, a white skull right in the center, the rest of it was pink. Why did it have to be pink? Why have I met only girls in this stupid journey?

--Anyways!--Ana extended a bloody hand--. Get up, girl!

--Don't call me a g...

--SORRY!!--She quickly apologised--. What's your gender then? Do you have any pronoun preferences??

--What are you blabbering about?--I asked her while I tried to get up on my own.

--Well, you know... Ugh, right, you're from the 18th century... Nevermind!--She paused, and right at that moment my stomach rumbled like someone was blasting cannons in there. Ana looked at me with wide eyes--. How long has it been since you last ate something?!

I shrugged after replying:--Around two days, not that much.

--What?! I'm totally gonna get you something to eat, lemme just get rid of the body and th...--I stopped her by grabbing her arm and squeezing it tightly, with the intention of hurting.

--Which pirate did you kill?--I questioned, trying to sound as enraged as possible.

--The ginger one with an eye patch--She confessed.

Good, it wasn't my father. I let her go and sat back on the ground. I finally saw my hat on the ground, Alien had dragged it to me while I was talking to Ana. My friend was looking starved too. He's got a small body, but he can fit more food in there than the rest of us combined. I thought that maybe hunger was the reason why we suddenly collapsed.

I didn't trust that Ana girl, so I quickly put on my hat and grabbed Alien. I got up trying not to fall down again, and walked as best as I could towards the exit.

--Nope!--Ana suddenly ran to us. She stared at both me and Alien with a smile, which, combined with the amount of blood she had on her, made her look a little threatening--. You two ain't leaving for shit. We have to get to Gunpowder Island so my friends can reunite you with yours. They just texted me!

I was confused as hell. What was she even on?

--Oh, by the way!--she extended a... ham sandwich..? Towards me--. I always carry around a few of these, you can have them! Don't worry, I wouldn't poison you!

I was hesitant, but Alien quickly jumped from my head and gave it a bite. He didn't die, or get a stroke, or anything, so I decided to eat as well. The void in my stomach was painful.

--Nice! I'll go get this blood off of me, and then--her eyes went to meet the ocean. The sun was barely above it, we'd have to be swift if we wanted to get there before midnight--we'll depart. You'll have to take control of this thing, because I don't know shit about boats.

I sighed. Back to strange companions, I guess... I just hope she doesn't try to kill me again.

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