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Twinkle was very happy when I told her that we could go to the castle's dungeons to visit Ruby (if she hadn't tried to escape yet).

I felt watched all the way down. I didn't think much of it, but since the feeling wouldn't go away, I decided to share it with Gene.

—Hey, Gene, do you also get the sensation that we're being followed?

He looked at me, then around the staircase, and then he checked his holo-pad.

—According to my thermo-radar, there is...—he almost fell down the stairs, since he was looking at his wrist instead of his surroundings. I had to catch him by his jacket.

He stared at me, a weird silence forming. However, he then remembered that he was supposed to tell me if there was anyone around.

—Ahem. There is one person apart from us three in this staircase.

We heard Twinkle calling us from down there, so we decided to go all the way down. If the person following us turned out to be a threat, a fight in the dungeons would be far safer than one on the stairs.

Twinkle was already flying around, trying to find Ruby, when Gene and I got there.

—Finally! What took you guys so long?

I was about to tell her about the fourth person, but Gene stopped me:—Nothing, Twinkle. Just a little distraction—.Then, he turned to me and whispered in my ear:—You go with Twinkle, I'll check who's over there.

I agreed and we split up. I followed my fairy friend across the dark hallway, not stopping until we heard Ruby's voice at the other side of one of the doors.

—Why did you make me wait?

—We had to make sure Gareth wasn't mad anymore, or else he might have accused us of trying to get you out—. I explained.

—That old rat...—She complained. I can't say that I don't agree...

—We'll try to get you out, don't worry!—I tried to reassure her.

—Then what are you waiting for?

—Well, uh...


We finally got to see Ruby! :D She started to talk with Alex, so I stood behind him. Then, I noticed that Gene wasn't with us, so I started to look for him. Alien stayed with Alex and Ruby but that's okay.

I got a little lost, but I eventually heard Gene's voice so I flew towards where it was coming from. He sounded quite nervous, which is weird because he usually keeps his cool!

The lack of light was starting to scare me a little :< but I finally found Gene! He wasn't alone


I could see that the wizard was struggling to give me an answer.

—Why can't you stay?—I repeated my question, annoyed—. Alex always leaves, that's not fair.

—Well, there's not much I can do... Besides, I got a message from Fr...

—You've already said that!

Gene sighed, maybe he was fed up with me, but I can't help the horrendous feeling I get every time my brother leaves. And he had to go to the Lost World of all places! It was unbelievable, UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE!
I noticed Twinkle approaching us, so I swiftly changed my tone.

—Hi Leonora! What are you doing down here?

I tried to come up with a good excuse:—Haha, I already missed you guys!

—Awwww—. She hugged me—. But we'll have to go once Ruby is out of jail!

—Actually—Gene chimed in—, we're gonna have to leave with or without Ruby. Urgent message from the Lost World.

—Oh! Then we have to tell the others!—Twinkle said, before flying in the same direction she came from earlier.

—Uh... Goodbye, your Highness—. Gene added, and then he ran after the fairy.

As always, I remain the one that stays in the castle. Why does this keep happening?

Hey Adri, you can stop pointing guns at me now, I'm starting to cook gaymobil stuff here ♥️♥️

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