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If there's one thing I wasn't expecting to find at sea, it's these guys I call friends. Seriously, a flying tuna with horns would've been less surprising than them.
They're two dudes, a fairy and a creature.

Alex is one of the guys. He's a knight, so he fights with swords just like us pirates. That's what I thought at first, but turns out they have a whole ass set of rules that you have to follow, and some "honour code" or some similar dumb thing.
He's also a prince, but he doesn't really like it when we call him that. I find it funny. Him being a prince is what makes him the only one of us who gets to be liked in his homeland, but Alex still hates it just like how sailors hate sharks.

Gene's the other dude. He's pretty cool as well, but none of us can understand what's up with his shiny wrist thingie. Or any of his thingies. He insists that it's "advanced technology", but it looks like magic to me. To everyone except the weird people in black and white clothes from Technopolis, actually.

The creature is a tiny guy from a species we call "misterios". His name is Alien. Alex says he found him in a river, and technically, he's the one that brought us together through helping his tribe with some wingless dragon with tiny arms. Gene says it was a toronotaurus or a tyrinissis or something like that.

And then there's Twinkle. I know we're supposed to be friends, but sometimes I can't stand her. She's too girly, too loud, she behaves like there's only jellyfishes inside of her head! She wears so much pink that it hurts my eyes. She talks so much about love that it hurts my ears. Whenever I try to charge against an enemy, she pulls out a "ooh, is there no peaceful way to solve thiiiiis?" and the worst part is that Alex and Gene usually agree. Why does she have to be like that?! But she still saved me from getting blown away in a canon, so I owe her that.

Like it or not, now we go around solving people's problems. They almost never give any shit back and Alex won't let me take any gold. He insists that we don't need it. Easy to say when his whole life, he's been pampered!

There was this one time when we had to get that teapot back from Babacara. I still don't understand what it does, but it's valuable and that's all that matters in any pirate's eyes!
So, as always, Alex made a plan and we followed it. Gene created a holo-thingie of a treasure—which was not real, learnt it the hard way a few minutes before, in the Chameleon—and we told Babacara that was the king's payment for the teapot. Alex stood next to it, while Gene, me and Twinkle were hidden nearby to attack once Alex told us to.
Everything was going great. Babacara, of course, took her time for evil monologuing, and the wait got kinda annoying. What was more annoying though, was Twinkle not being able to sit still, right next to me.

—Would you stop?—I snapped at her.

—But there's a bunny in here! We can't leave him here with the wicked witches, we have to take him with us!

—Please, there's plenty of bunnies around. It'll live.


We were interrupted by Gene and Alien, poking my arm over and over.

—What? What's wrong?—Twinkle asked, a little nervous. For the ocean's sake, we've been in this kind of situation before. How can she be such a damsel?

—The signal!!—Gene answered with urgency.

Great! Twinkle made me miss it! I gave her a death stare and went into action. The fight wasn't anything special, really.

Once we were back at the Chameleon, I couldn't get my eyes off of that damn teapot. Even though it was his father's property, Alex didn't even look at it. For some reason, he was only paying attention to Twinkle. Okay, she was sad because I had been mean. So what? Is she too much of a girl to take it?

We argued a little, but that's not important. There was a weird silence afterwards. Then, Gene mentioned something:—Babacara spoke about an "apprentice". I do not know if you noticed the fact that she blamed us for her disappearance.

—She did?—Alex inquired.

—Especially you and Twinkle—. Gene told him, looking the knight in the eyes.

Then we were quiet again.

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