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I wasn't even paying attention to what the witch was saying, I had to stay focused so my friends could get the signal at the exact moment. The thing is that Babacara is usually off guard when she's talking about her evil plans, so we gotta take advantage of that.

The more she spoke, the lower her guard was, so when I thought the moment was right, I yelled for my friends to attack. And it was at that moment that my blood went cold. There had been no answer from them, and the witch had immediately reacted. Dodging the spell she had casted against me, I accidentally stepped on the fake treasure Gene had generated, which only made Babacara get madder.

I had to face her alone for about half a minute, which felt eternal. Then, I finally spotted my friends getting out of their hiding spot. Fighting Babacara is always less of a struggle when Twinkle is there, even if she doesn't get half of her spells right, since magic against magic is better than magic against my sword's metal. This one time tho, she was having a harder time than usual. I got that thought out of my mind quickly, because I had seen an opportunity.

While Babacara was busy throwing curses at the girls, I turned to Gene and signaled for him to go retrieve the teapot from Babacara's house. He got it immediately and ran inside. Our role now was to make sure the witch didn't turn around nor suspect that one of us wasn't fighting her. She almost did, once, but Alien jumped and landed right on her face, completely diverting her attention from what was going on behind her.

When I finally saw Gene running to the Chameleon with the teapot in his hands, I quickly told Ruby and Twinkle to retreat. It wasn't particularly easy to outrun Babacara's spells, but we made it safely to the Chameleon. Gene was already in the driver's seat, ready to flee the moment that all of us were inside.

We felt more and more relieved as the distance between our vehicle and the witch's lair grew. However, I noticed that Twinkle was looking a quite upset. I approached her and asked her what was wrong.

She hesitated for a few moments, before answering:—Well... Ruby was mean to a bunny.

"There we go again", I thought to myself. For some reason, Ruby can't come to terms with the fact that fairies are more sensitive and that, on top of that, Twinkle is younger than all of us.

I turned to my pirate friend.

—Did you say anything mean to Twinkle?


—You sure?

—Yeah. It's not my fault if she can't take a little look.

—Ruby, you know that she's-

—A pussy?—she interrupted—Yeah, I think I know.

Was something wrong? She's not usually this mean. I decided to leave the argument for when Ruby wasn't acting so strange. We stayed quiet for a while. Gene was the first one to speak up again.

—Babacara spoke about an "apprentice". I do not know if you noticed the fact that she blamed us for her disappearance.

—She did?—I think I've already mentioned that I didn't pay attention to her monologue...

—Especially you and Twinkle—. He stated, while looking at me from his seat. Something about Bacara's apprentice felt ominous, but I didn't comment on it. We went silent again.

I felt dumb while writing these last two chapters, but I promise it gets better guys 😭

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