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Finally, we were back in Kingsland. It was time to return the stupid teapot, and I knew for a fact that no one was gonna give us anything for it.

Alex bowed before the throne, as usual, and offered the teapot to his father, the king. It's boring every time, and it's also getting repetitive.

—How do we know it's not a fake, a copy? You do have a filthy pirate with you, so I have the right to be skeptical—a familiar, annoying voice quiestioned. Of course, it was Gareth.

—Sir Gareth, I can swear on my hon...—Alex began, but I decided to cut him off.

—Listen here you big dumb toothless rat, it's at least the fiftyth time we retrieve your stupid teapot, and not even once has there ever been anything wrong with it, so would you stop being a pain in the ass?!—I spat at him. He unsheathed his sword, looking like a pufferfish in boiling water. I was about to do the same with my saber, when I felt Gene grabbing my arm. I stared at him, but all he did was shake his head. His face showed disappointment, and I noticed Twinkle's flabbergasted expression.

I heard King Kendrick's tired sigh, followed by the sound of Gareth's sword going back to its place.

—Arrest that barbarian!—the knight shouted. A few of the guards, including Sir Alph, came up to me immediately. I really wanted to fight them, but my friends told me that I shouldn't complicate it more. I yelled insults all the way to the dungeons, but once we got there, I refused to talk to anyone. I decided to wait for a visit from my friends before trying to escape, since I figured I was gonna do it anyways.


I wasn't expecting Ruby to shout at Sir Gareth like that!! D:
She can act very mean sometimes, but I know she loves us deep down, or else she'd be hunting treasures on her own! I was very worried when the knights took her to jail :( But Alex and Gene said that she'd be fine, so I wasn't that scared! They said that we could go visit her after a while, when Gareth was not as angry.

We went to see Leonora while we waited!! She was happy to see us, and I always like it when we go to Kingsland, because then I can hang out with her :D She's the only one willing to dress Alien up with me! She sometimes lets me try her dresses on, but most of the time they don't fit because of our different sizes and my wings getting in the way :'<
We spent a loooong time with her, but it wasn't boring at all since we were making bracelets to exchange with each other, while Alex and Gene were talking about I don't know what in the other side of the room.

As I was finishing my eleventh pink bracelet, Alex came up to Alien and me and told us we could finally go see Ruby! :D

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