XI.Safety [ARC 1 FINALE]

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In this chapter there's another oc, but it's not mine she's from geografiia_ !! (Geo, sorry if she's a little ooc, I'm still getting the hold of writing her, I'd really appreciate it if you could correct anything I got wrong for future chapters!)


--WAKEY WAKEY MOTHERFUCKERS!!--We heard someone at the door. Please, it was early in the morning!

--What the fuck do you...--I started, but I stopped since I recognised that face--. Morgi?

--Morgi!--Leonora quickly got up and went up to the cell's door.

--It is I, indeed!

Morgi was just as I remembered her from last time (not that it had been that long, a few months at most): long, straight, brown hair, those fancy clothes and her green eyes. Oh, and how could I forget that arrogance of hers. Perfectly matching the Baron's, in my opinion.

--How are things going with Cedric?--Leonora asked, with a big dumb smile on her face. I found it hard to believe that just last night, she was sobbing over some asshole's death.

--My dear friends and I held a magnificent girl's night and he got to take part of it!

--No way!

Alien seemed to also be uninterested in their blabbering, so he ran to me and started shaking and poking my arms.

--What is it now?--I asked him, not really hoping to get any answer.

He just started jumping around the cell and eventually doing so in front of the door. I approached it, now Alien had the attention of us three.

--What's gotten into him?--Morgi questioned, looking at him as if he was some sick orphan or something of that kind.

Not even a moment later, we heard a loud thud, coming from the staircase that led up to the actual castle. We all looked at the direction it came from, Alien suddenly dead silent. None of us said anything either when we saw what was going on.

A corpse had just fallen down the stairs.

Scelesta [happens before this last pov!] (Did y'all miss her? 🙂)

The dark has already painted the sky when we get back to our island. There is a new vehicle, static right besides the one that was already there. I recognise it. Alexander should be around, but I can't acquire him now. He must be asleep, or else I would sense his pure blood, and I am also still contaminated by the filth of that mysterio.

We avoid the vehicles on our way to the sacred cave, as we do not wish to cross paths with any potential offerings just yet.

Our footsteps' echoes linger once we are inside of our sacred temple, carved in the very stone that forms these lands. The offering we acquired earlier is still there; intact, unmoving, hanging. Perfect. All of the truthseekers that have been in the castle, including myself, kneel down before our leader. I speak for all of us when I explain the incident with the filthy creature. He agrees to cleanse us, and we part immediately. No time shall be wasted. We make sure that, once again, we go unnoticed by the individuals in the vehicles. We cannot run the risk of being contaminated if they do have a mysterio in their company.

Our objective now is the Black Baron himself.

If I see one comment assuming that Rock Brock was hanging in the dead way, I'll cry


I found it unacceptable that there was yet another dead knight! Everything kept bringing back the blood, the disgusting crack, the feeling of wanting to vomit, the... AHEM.

Wicked [Super 4]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant