X.Teary night

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We stayed quiet for what felt like an eternity. It was just Alien, me and Ruby in that cell. Ruby did mumble something like "Can't believe this happened twice in a day", but she was just talking to herself. Of course, since I am the princess, I got to keep that wooden board they dare call a "bed", and she stayed on the floor.

The Baron had ordered for us to get locked up in the dungeons so we wouldn't cause trouble. He also mentioned something about marrying me, but that's not surprising at this point. I do understand why he'd be so obsessed with me, I'm just good like that, but it's getting repetitive and boring.

I must admit, though, faced with nothing but silence, I found myself replaying the memory of the blood in my room and the disgusting cracking sounds over and over again. Alien came to me and hugged me, talking in his language again. I only understood a few words, but it felt a little comforting.


Can you believe I ended up in castle dungeons twice in less than 5 hours?! This one time, I even had to share the space with Alex's sister, and we'd probably have to stay there for the whole night. Just great.

I despised Leonora a lot: not only was she girly as fuck, she was also way too prideful and didn't know anything about a good fight. I used to think that she was a dumbass too, but she managed to do a few smart things in the past hours, tho I still didn't get why she would want to come with me.


I was starting to regret having tagged along with Ruby. I mean, she was a barbarian with no sense of fashion or etiquette! I only really tolerated her because she was Alex's friend.

--Don't tell me you're fucking crying--. She suddenly commented. The audacity! But I must admit... It was true, Alien was wiping my tears with his ears, since his hands were too small.

--Are you always this inconsiderate?--I replied, with disdain. She looked away.

--I'm not mean.

--You're just convinced of that because Twinkle and my brother are way too nice to tell you! And Gene lives inside of his own world of whatever he calls his magical artifact thingies!-- I spat at her. Gareth would've disapproved of me using such an enraged tone, not appropriate for a princess. That just made me remember his death again, which made the whole situation even worse.

--That's faker than a pirate's fair play!--She seemed really upset all of a sudden.

--Then why did they leave you behind?!--I shouted at her. Her rage faltered for a moment and she turned around. We both went silent for a moment.



I would've loved to fight her right there right now, it wasn't like she had any chances at beating me. But we were both exhausted, I could tell, so I just turned around and laid on the ground.

--NIGHT--. I yelled angrily.

--Night to you too, BARBARIAN!--. She replied.

Wait, she knew how to curse?!


They've let me stay in Ruby's sleeping spot, since she's not here in the Lost World. However, I'm not actually planning on using it, because I can tell that it's home to at least fifty different breeds of parasites. That and also the thought of having my friend so close yet so far, both in space and time, keeping me awake. Something that I realized in the Lost World is that time feels way longer there. Seconds turn into hours if you're being chased by a tyrannosaurus or similars, and the furios are no exception.

I sneaked out of the Chameleon once everyone was asleep, to lay on Rock's jeep again. The stars shine brighter in the Lost World than in Technopolis (I'm aware that's due to Technopolis' light pollution, but Brock suggested I stop talking so "scientifically" so I can forget about the lockdown days already, and I think it's not a bad idea at all).


Us fairies don't need that much sleep! :D Since the stars are so pretty, we decided to simply stop sleeping so much to see them!! We still need to rest a little tho, so that's why it took me a while to come out of the Chameleon. Alien normally watches the night sky with me, but he's not here :( But I think he's keeping Ruby company so I don't mind that much!! It must've been lonely in the dungeons, and I know she hated to be alone, but if Alien was with her it couldn't be that bad!!

I flew out of the Chameleon to go see the stars in the sky, especially because they're so pretty in the Lost World! The only problem is that you can't get too distracted by them, or a velociraptor might catch you :(

I noticed someone laying on Rock Brock's vehicle, and at first I thought that he had returned, but when I looked closer, it turned out it was Franz! :0


I see Twinkle flying towards me. I assume she wants to see the stars, it's a common thing to do amongst fairies.

--Hi Franz!

--Hello Twinkle--. I admit I would've liked to have talked a bit louder.

--Do you wanna watch the stars too?--. She sounds cheery, as always.

I really want to answer, but I don't know what to say. I guess I'm quiet for too long, since I hear her ask:--Are you okay, Franz?

--Yeah! Totally, I just can't sleep.

--Why not?

I go silent again. She just sits next to me after a while of not getting a reply.

--There's something I don't understand--. She comments out of the blue--. If our wands are meant to be like the stars from the sky, why aren't they little round dots?

--If I'm not mistaken--I start, imitating Gene's voice and tone--, the tips of the graphic representation we have of stars should imitate the light emanating from them in the way that it's perceived by the human eye. Moreover, stars with a different number of tips are meant to repr...

I stop talking once Twinkle makes her wand light up and it blinds me.

--Light like this one?--She pauses, looking at me like she just saw a furio--. Are you okay..?

--Why wouldn't I be?

--You have those watery things in your eyes that Gene gets at night--The fairy tells me.

--Huh? You mean tears? No way, Technopolians don't cry.

--I thought fairies didn't either, but then I got banned and cried a lot--. She explains--. So maybe Technopolians can cry too. You're doing it now!

--I'm n-!--I don't finish that sentence because she's staring at me way too seriously to be her--. Fine, fine! I'm scared, and this is the first time I cry.

--Scared for Brock? I understand! He's your friend after all. That one time Alex got kidnapped for the third time I was worried too!

--I guess--. Twinkle's clearly trying to help, but I can't shake off that feeling of unease... And a weird something in my stomach when she said the word "friend".


Franz was sad!! So I knew I had to try cheering him up! He ended up crying for long time, for a Technopolian he surely let out a lot... :'< He rambled about so many things in-between sobs, like the city, his childhood, Rock... so I got scared for him and ended up using a sleep spell :( I hoped he wasn't going to be mad at me the next day!!

Twinkle and Franz the siblings ever aaaaurgehehhe I'll try to make them parallel so much

P.D.: I have officially OCified Franz. His canon self was way too silly for this storyline 😭

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