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I can't quite say that I'm proud of leaving Ruby back in Kingsland, but we have priorities. The message I received from Franz says as follows:

"Giys I im Francz csnt find Brok plesse com to the LofstWofld"

The amount of typing errors present gives me a feeling that he is, in fact, in trouble. That's why I keep the Chameleon running fast for the whole trip, I don't really trust the idea of Franz being on his own while on Lost World's land.

As I drive, one of the Chameleon's screens shows a new message from the exact same communicator: "threws a weiefd lady woth tydw furiso".

--Guys--I call my friends (the two that are present)--, do you understand what's written in here? I cannot translate gibberish right now, I'm driving.

--I can do it! I can do it!--Twinkle jumps immediately and flies to the front. She tries, reads the sentence over and over again. I don't really have much faith in her.

--"There's a weird lady with the furios"!--The fairy translates after a short while.

--How did you even...--I start, but she cuts me off.

--I've been studying!--She states, proudly. It's not the first time she does something like that.

--A lady with the furios? She may be in trouble--. Alex joins in--. And Franz too.

--Don't forget Rock Brock!--. Twinkle adds.

--Rock Brock is always in trouble, Twinkle--. I remind her.


We stay quiet for less than a minute, when Twinkle speaks again:--What do you guys think he did this time? Maybe another--she clears her throat to say it the same exaggerated way Rock does--"Rock Brock's Super Epic and Spectacular Cave Exploration"?

--Please no...--Alex comments. I still remember what happened last time Brock arranged one of those: we almost lost our lives to velociraptors. And a Tyrannosaurus Rex. And the furios. Caves in the Lost World are not places in where we (or anyone at all) should play around.


I didn't think staying put on a running horse was gonna be that hard without being the one holding the reins. The only way of not falling down like an anchor in the sea was to hold on to Leonora. I wasn't expecting Kingsland's princess to know how to make a horse run as fast as the wind during a seastorm, but I can't say we weren't in a rush.

The Baron's castle was visible, despite the darkness forming at that hour, after quite a while of galloping. When the animal finally stopped, I jumped down and walked towards the entrance without looking back at Leonora. The guards still remembered my face from the last time I kicked their asses, so they weren't too happy to see me again. However, since I was alone that time, they didn't waste any time in trying to arrest me. I tried to fight them, but someone grabbed my arm (what was with not letting me fight that day?!), and I turned around to see Leonora.

--They'll probably take us to the Baron, and then we'll be able to tell him about what happened--. She told me.

--Since when are you capable of thinking?

She glared angrily at me, but we were interrupted by the Baron's men grabbing us and dragging us to the main room in the castle. I think I don't even have to say that I wasn't happy at all to see that bastard again.

--Well if it isn't brat #4 and my future wife!--. He "greeted" us. I noticed Leonora looking away, not too comfortable--. Are you gonna be a pain in the neck as always, or have you finally accepted the inevitable?

--You little piece of...--I try to insult him, but the princess is faster.

--I'd rather marry a frog! We're only here because we need to tell you something, Baron.

--Eh, I'm gonna get the throne anyways, so go on, say whatever.

Leonora was struggling to talk about what happened back in the castle, so I decided to intervene:--Kingsland has been attacked by purple angry thingies, they didn't get what they wanted so they'll probably come for you next.

The Baron laughs. That stupid, arrogant laugh that sounds like a sinking ship being seized by dolphins.


--Reaching the Lost World--. Gene informed us. Twinkle had been looking for Alien for the last part of the trip, when she realised he wasn't in the corner he usually occupies. I understood why she was worried, but I can't say I related. I know Alien is a smart guy, he could've stayed with Ruby.

The Chameleon landed after a while and we got out. Gene, once again, wouldn't stop looking at his holopad, so me and Twinkle had to look out for him.

--According to this, Franz should be--he paused, looking around, and then continued:--in that direction--. He pointed to the right and started walking towards it.

It didn't take long to reach Brock's carriage, and Franz was there too. He was tinkering with some thingies that Gene probably knew more about than me.

--Hi Franz!--Twinkle greeted while she flied towards him.

--Guys!--He was glad to see us, from what I could tell. I said hello as well, but Gene walked up straight to Franz's machines. He examined them as we watched him.

--This equipment is...

--...outdated--. Franz completed, perfectly imitating Gene's voice and pose. He sighed, going back to his usual voice--. I know, but it's what I can afford. It's also way better than nothing.

--Well, it can still be of use--. Gene stated--. And besides, I have a few things in the Chameleon too. What exactly were you planning on doing with this, Franz?

Franz pointed at a cave nearby.

--I hope Twinkle didn't jinx it back at the Chameleon...--I whispered to myself. Twinkle didn't seem to like the idea either. Gene was way more serious about this than the two of us, though.

--Franz, you do know that doing such a thing during such a time of day is extremely risky, right?--He was correct. It was getting dark, and dinosaurs have the advantage when night falls--. And we don't even know if Rock is even actually in there.

--But Gene--Twinkle suddenly started--, can't you use your thingies to see if he's in there?

--Yeah, like you did in the staircase!--. I added.

--What staircase? When?--Our fairy friend questioned.

--Nothing!--I quickly replied. It wasn't that she couldn't know, it hadn't been anything important, but we couldn't spare time for silly explanations of irrelevant things.

Gene sighed, got to the cave's entrance and scanned it with his holo-pad. He came back with the results shortly after.

--One human, alive, with normal body temperature. Multiple smaller beings, hypothetically either mysterios or furios. Or maybe both, but that's rather improbable.

--So Rock Brock is inside that cave, surrounded by mysterios and furios?--Twinkle sounded nervous, and Franz didn't seem to take that information too well.

--If we entered in this precise moment, we'd be heavily outnumbered, and would probably end up in a worse position than him. Not to mention that we've already had a dosis of fighting today--. Gene analysed--. It would be our best choice to spend the night in the surrounding area and initiate the incursion during daytime.

--How do we know Brock will be fine?--Franz inquired. It was normal for him to be worried, they're "bros" (according to Rock's own words, I don't really understand that term at all) after all.

--The radar will tell me if there are any significant or worrying changes in his body temperature--. Gene explained--. So you can stop being preoccupied. Now, I'll go get the Chameleon and then we'll all rest.

--Twinkle, stay with Franz and cast a spell if a dinosaur tries to eat you--. I told her. Then I turned to Gene--. I'm coming with you, no one should walk alone in the Lost World at all.

Hey I finally let the other main characters out of the basement!!

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