Chapter 38 - What We Do For Love

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All I could hear was the pounding sound of my heart beating erratically in my chest, my body almost numb as I willed myself forward.

I hadn't let this nervous since we started these trials, and for the anxiety to show up now of all times had me wishing I'd stayed in the common room.

However, I couldn't sit back and do nothing.

Not when I needed to know the truth.

I'd received an answer to my rushed owl almost as quick as I'd sent it, with a simple message written neatly on the parchment.

Hogsmeade. Puffskein Den. I'll be waiting.

I'd rolled my eyes at the brief message, but given the circumstances, I could understand why.

As I finally reached the opening just outside Hogsmeade, I made my way towards the Puffskein rolling around, thinking back to when Deek brought me here to use the Nap-sack, causing a soft smile to grace my lips.

Yet, as I looked around, the smile quickly faded when I spotted who I was looking for.

There, sat at the edge of the opening, watching the Puffskein's, was Sage.

Given how we left things last time, an odd feeling filled my stomach, making me feel nauseous. But I quickly shook it off, knowing that this wasn't going to work if I hesitated.

After a moment's debate, I slowly made my way towards her.

She kept her eyes trained on the Puffskein's, but I could tell she was aware of my presence, just refusing to be the one to make the first move.

As I finally reached her, I sat down next to her, trying to sit as close as I could, against my better judgement, willing myself to believe she was the same Sage she had been when we were kids.

But it seemed the closer I was, the more I felt I couldn't breathe. Like she had taken the air from my lungs, holding it hostage until I told her what she wanted. Causing the silence to drag on as I failed to find the words to start.

It seemed Sage noticed my struggle as she snuck a quick glance in my direction, a frown forming on her face for a moment before she looked ahead again, leaning back against her hands.

"You know, out of all the creatures our Grandparents kept, the Puffskein's were always my favourite. They're just so... innocent."

Her voice didn't have the same edge anymore, making her sound more like the Sage I once knew, putting me more at ease.

I let out a long breath before shrugging stiffly "I don't know. Some people are afraid of them."

My attempt to make light of the situation worked as Sage slowly turned to me, losing her uptight composure as she gave me a bewildered look.

"Who in Merlin's name is afraid of a Puffskein?"

"You'd be surprised. Apparently it's to do with their tongues."

I held my breath in anticipation, wondering how she was going to react as she held the same bewilderment, blinking as she took in my answer.

Then, to my surprise, she let out a laugh. It was one of disbelief, but a laugh nonetheless. But what I found more surprising was that I let one escape as well, mixing with hers as we slowly let them become louder, easing ourselves with the humour of the ridiculous notion.

As our laughs finally died down, silence began to blanket us once more, the unease washing over me as I knew what came next.

"So, why did you want to talk? Not looking for another lecture, are you?" Sage asked, keeping some humour in her voice, but the amusement left her features as she look in my wary expression, preparing myself.

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