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Adhira felt a warm hand holding her. She could feel who the person is. She relaxed in the touch.

Vivaan slowly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

Watching her in this situation was breaking his heart. He wanted to see her smile once again, he wanted her to open her beautiful eyes with the same spark .

But all he could see was her lying on the bed with hand bandaged and a syringe inserted in her vein supplying her saline water.

She was gasping for breath as if someone was choking her. Vivaan stood up and hugged her tightly rubbing her back.

"Shh...calm down Ira see I am here"

"No one is going to hurt you trust me" he caressed her hairs.

Slowly Adira opened her eyes and say Vivaan holding her close.

"Am I still dreaming?" She muttered

"No I am really here" he replied with a chuckle.

" sorry you had to come here I disturbed you.." vivaan placed his finger on her lips to stop her.

" can never disturb me Ira you are my priority and nothing is more important than you understood "

"Never. I said never think low of yourself you are the best thing that happened to me " he replied with eyes fixed on her.

Adhira couldn't control her emotions and her eyes teared up again.

"I am sorry. I am so pathetic " she sobbed.

"No. You are very strong Ira trust me" he kissed her forehead.

"I am not good for you Vivaan"

"I always hurt the people who are close to me"

"First Maa, papa then Siya"

"I can never be loved" she clutched his shirt tightly and cried her heart out.

She finally opened her heart out infront of him, she shared about all of her pains with him.

Vivaan was holding her tightly in his embrace as if protecting her from those  harsh words. Every word they spoke against her made him guilty and angry at himself for not being there for her when she needed him the most.

"I am sorry doll for not being there for you"

"I wish I could go in the past and make them taste their own medicine "

"I know it's hard for you to trust again, I know you are scared but you have to move on Adhira "

"You can't dwell upon the past forever " he said softly.

"I tried V but I can't forget or erase those words, their words from my memory. It still haunts me" she whispered.

"Let me tell you a story" Vivaan started.


A boy in his 20's was playing football with his team. The match was getting intense with every passing minute.

It was the last and final round both the team was ready soon the match started the ball passed from their team to the opponent.

The opponent were close to make goal when suddenly the boy took the ball swiftly and made a goal.

His whole team cheered for him. He made it they won. They heart the announcement where his team was declared as winners of the semifinal round.

Everything was going smooth everyone was happy. When suddenly he got a phone call which crashed his world.

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