Sometimes Lasts But Sometimes Hurts

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*Sometimes Last But Sometimes Hurts *

( silence, silence, silence...) there's a sudden silence in George car's.  « thanks once again for accepting my proposal of taking me round Moonly town » just said George ( looking at Bervely with anxious eyes ) « you don't have to thank me I just wanna share the love I have for Moonly town you know». Bervely says « but if you wish us to arrive safely, you rather look at the road than me George » ( with a mocking smile) « here many people don't respect the road code » ( George smiles and keeps driving) « why do you have such a great love for Moonly town ? Did you grow up here ? » asks George to Bervely « no I didn't! Just my family and I always came here during the winter holidays, this is the reason. This is the reason I have great love for Moonly town, because it makes me remember about some good memories » responds Bervely «okay I see clearer now, which side should I take ? The GPS confuses me a little » asks George « take the next right way of the street » responds Bervely « okay thanks I love the way you dress up Bervely, I think you should give me some dressing ideas can you ? » asks George with a nervous voice tone « yeah if you like but I don't think you need any help because your dressing looks stunning ( with a smile and charming eyes ) your matcho dressing code ( laughing lowly ) you know that right ? » Bervely says to George « thank you Bervely ( smiling timidly) if you say so » George takes the next right street just like Bervely instructed him to ( they arrives Kalili's hills) «oh wow it looks amazing » says George « I know but you haven't seen anything yet (smiles) Kalili's hills here we're » exclaims Bervely. George finds a way to pack his Car for them to move into the small hilly land.

(Some few minutes later) « should I wear my sunglasses?» asks George « let me see them »( it was a white male pair of sunglasses from Scraims products). George removes the pair of sunglasses and wear it ( looking at Bervely) «how do you find it ?» ... « Good it's okay ( realizing the charm it adds to George charisma) you look good » responds Bervely « okay okay if you say so (surely he likes it more than he speaks) » ..... «I really love everything about Scraims products, but let's move in come follow me ( with a smile ) exploration begins right now »...( George follows Bervely with an enthusiastic mood ) the both men enter Kalili's hills not knowing the surprise they're to meet inside the small hilly land.

                              Kalili's Hills

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Kalili's Hills

(Kalili's hills is a small hilly land in Moonly town, impressive right ? During winter this beauty of nature turns into a magnetic attractive side because of the abondamment snow covering every little area of the hilly land, youth's and tourist amaze themselves here... but let come back to our two birds.
«wow it's really beautiful, the peace in the atmosphere can you feel it too? » asks George « yeah I can feel it too » ( impressed by George ability to feel nature something Bervely appreciates' ) «I'm happy you can feel what I always feel whenever I'm in contact with this peaceful environment » responds Bervely, sounds of nature and peace of this beautiful hilly land makes someone have the impression of living in another world. This is different from the noise from traffic and human activities sounds we hear during our daily life's.  Which is what some people may listen everyday with no taste or comprehension. What an irony right ? « We're made from nature but we drastically can't see nature anymore because of the presence of civilization and industrialization MAN is lost in a world which was made for HIM, only nature lives forever and commands everything we're just animals »....

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