Don't wanna loose control

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* Don't wanna loose control *
( it's been two weeks now that Bervely's life has taken a surprising style , George arrived just like a hurricane carrying all the boundaries Bervely constructed around his heart, bringing in love and liberty. What can Bervely do ? If life decide's to change his ideology of love and relationships. Laying on his bed, our love bird woke up early this Wednesday morning and just like usual is reflecting on his daily goals but also about his lover George. What did you think ? ).

Eliot George seems so deeply in love with Bervely something he easily realized. This is because of George affectionate behaviour when ever they're together, Bervely is afraid of this relationship because he never engage in any love relationship with anyone before firstly because most people love his physical appearance not who he is, and this is something Bervely's hates. Secondly because he lacks experience but he is able to try with George, his heart is now in command.

But let me tell you the third and most questionable reason while Bervely is afraid of falling in love. Bervely is worried about his relationship with George, these worries doesn't comes from Humans but from his creator, Bervely is faithful but always wander why his creator made him with feelings towards men and not women... questionable right ? But confronted to questions which can't be answered Bervely prefers to keep his faith intact towards his creator and choose to be happy in a world too insane for him. Bervely believe in his creator and no one else because
" when Humans are removed from high social standards, taking away from their luxury cars, rings , crowns, fortune... in fact everything the world offers you make you feel superior over others we all become simple, fragile and equal human beings" at times you may think the is no joy but the real and true love comes from you, only you have the power to make you joyful it all depends on your mindset and the way you choose to live.

Today is a public holiday so therefore no class at USTHU, Bervely feels tired maybe because of the excessive reflections he went through last two weeks.Bervely doesn't feel like going out of his apartment addicted to his house whenever he is tired. Bervely wakes up at 10:00am and clean's every single dirt from his apartment, he equally washes some clothes which where folded at one angle of his room since three days now. Bervely is now done with the cleaning in his little apartment, then later take a bath. Bervely didn't look at his phone since he started cleaning, he gets out of the bathroom wearing a towel. He dries up his body delicately and dress in soft clothes due to the heat present in Moonly town at this season of the year. Bervely decide to play music ( jazz ) when he hears a knock on the door...

Bervely is surprised of hearing a knock on the door, he first thinks it can be his mama Sophia who is making him a surprise visit but he rapidly eliminate the idea because he discussed with Sophia last night and she didn't make any allusion of visiting him, Bervely also thinks it can be the new neighbour a lady who looks at Bervely with seductive eyes ( after a moment there's a second knock ) Bervely move's toward the door opening it without asking who is behind the door for the reason that Bervely scent's a familiar redolence. He opens the door and to his greatest surprise it's no one else than George, the young man is holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, he gives it to Bervely with a smile on his face. It's a bouquet of Blue roses Bervely's favourite flowers.

* A picture of the bouquet of blue roses George snapped in his car *

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* A picture of the bouquet of blue roses George snapped in his car *

Bervely takes the bouquet of blue roses with a shy face hiding the lovely smile in his heart but he still smile's to George at the moment no word is said but Bervely's eyes speaks for him.

« Thank you George! I love them »

Bervely tells to George who is looking at him with soft eyes, George enters the apartment closing the door behind him because Bervely's hands are occupied with the immense bouquet of blue roses in them. He can't keep away his envy of breathing in the scent of the beautiful flowers. He looks at George a second time and says...

« thank you George! You didn't have to, but how did you know I love blue roses?»

                               « no babe I just wanna show you how much I care for you ( coming closer to Bervely taking him by the hand ) I'm happy you love them darling »

«thanks so much, come and get a sit with me »

George follows Bervely to the parlour where they sit down together ( Bervely is still holding the flowers )....

« I think I have a vase I can put them inside »

                              « why don't you call me my love,babe, or anything else? Why do you keep calling me George? Babe I would like you to call me different you know ( with a smile ) okay ? »

« okay handsome ( with a shy voice ) just I'm not used to you know, just give me some time»

George laugh's in low tone

« okay babe ! I understand with time you would get used to my love»

( Bervely smile's) George approches Bervely stilling him a kiss, to George greatest surprise Bervely give him back the kiss with more sensuality it last almost for a minute.

«babe ( George is laughing in a hilarious way ) you kiss like a GOD I love the way you do maybe in your last live you were Eros the Greek Divinity of love you know (smiling )really babe !»

At the moment Bervely can feel George body language demanding for more, the both lovers can hear their heats beating louder than ever, George feels like kissing Bervely a second time and this is what they're actually doing...

Bervely put's the bouquet of blue roses on the table, George holds Bervely by the neck kissing his neck skin with a delicate and sensual way but Bervely stop's everything in a polite manner.

« sorry George O! Sorry babe I never did this before, please give me some time and understand me (with a timid voice tone ) I'm not ready for that you know...»

« alright babe it's okay my heart for you I can do anything my love, I will give you the time you need I promise to be caring and patient with you my precious, I want you to desire me like I do when it comes to you (smiling) I feel like eating some pizza would like to eat too ? We can watch a movie if you wish »

«thank you honey for understanding my feelings ! Of course I will like to share a pizza with you and spend the day watching a movie in your hands ( smiling ) just you and I handsome »

George suddenly start's smiling in a rejoicing manner and kisses Bervely on the forehead and they both cuddle, later George commands a pizza. Some few minutes later it's delivered, our new lovers share the pizza together drinking a smoothie they both prepared just after commanding the pizza, George ate more of the pizza than Bervely because Bervely doesn't eats a lot and is very slow in eating. Laying on the couch in front of the tv, Bervely is in George hands they're watching a movie... George cuddle's Bervely in an affectionate manner, George feels the heat emanating from Bervely's hot body and Bervely too.

Bervely asks George about his life, George tells him about his family but he stay's very secretive about his family because he speaks more about him to Bervely, they both speak for hours while watching the movie. Sometimes commenting on what's going on in the movie sometimes talking about the society in which they live in. George promises Bervely to take him to his apartment one of this days, they gradually discover each other appreciating the moment they're spending together.

What our two souls in a perfect harmony of love don't know for now is that they would go through many obstacles and the greatest is unknown for the moment . There's a shadow full of machinations hiding in the dark waiting for the right moment to terrorize Moonly town and especially Bervely, the last confession would soon go on ....

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