" je t'aime Bervely "

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                       * Je t'aime Bervely *

(George's white car parks infront of the F Building, Bervely is in the car and is about to move out of George's car to his apartment up stairs.... But George has his little idea in his head....)

« I can I follow you to your apartment Bervely ? Please I'm really tasty i need a glass of water »

(Bervely feels a little disturbed because he intensionally didn't reply to George message earlier in the morning)

                                            « George I'm sorry for not replying you earlier this morning, yeah George of course you can follow me in... would you like to eat the meal I'm to cook ? Be sure my meals always taste like the one of professional cooks»

George is more than satisfied from what he just heard he smiles because George just needed a good reason to follow Bervely to his apartment...they both enter into the F building.

« Thank you Bervely I was really tasty, I really needed a glass of water. What's on fire ? It has a very nice aroma I'm feeling my stomach reacting to this flavour »

                                           « you don't need to thank me you know that's what friends do, just be patient you will love the meal. My mom used to cook it when I was a child and she learned me how to realize it »

«wow your mama ? It should surely be delicious, I'm sure your mom is beautiful just like you're handsome»

                                             «yeah very beautiful and she cooks so well »

While the fabulous meal is still on fire Bervely decide to show George some pictures of his mom Sophia which are in his phone and his friend appreciates them.
George remarks the selfies Bervely and him took when visiting Moonly town. The both men laugh over some of them. Now the meal is ready and Bervely offers a plate of the delicious meal to George and they make a little prayer then both eat at the same time, George eats in appreciation and with a great appetite the delicious meal.

«it was delicious 👌🏽 I love the way you cook I'm not that good at cooking you know ( laughing) I would like to learn from you, if you like to ? »

                                                « thanks George of course I would like to »

The both finish eating and starts discussing about the day they spend at the USTHU and George tells Bervely a little about his childhood. Now George is ready to go.

Bervely removes George phone from charge and is about to give him when George holds him by the right hand then by the left hand looking him deep in his eyes ( Bervely's heart suddenly start's beating loudly but he feels like paralyzed unable to say anything) George keeps looking at Bervely right in his eyes then says...

« Bervely I love you so deeply that I can't control my feelings anymore, Je t'aime très fort, you're in my head and in my dreams can you hear my heart beating loudly? Every time I'm close to you I feel carried by the winds of your Charm to somewhere I don't even know, but I love the sensation it gives me, it was difficult to accept but I'm literally crazy about you, your voice, your skin, your personality and even the heat from your body makes me go crazy. Your smile yeah your smile haunt's my mind and thoughts...(approches more closer to Bervely) please say something don't stay quiet speak please if you don't feel same like I do I will understand, if you aren't gay I will still take it but I will be in peace because I freed my heart, even if it hurts I will take it all on me»

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