The next day at USTHU

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               * The next day at USTHU *

(Two hands joint together, eyes closed and knees on the floor. We see Bervely praying this early morning time, a habit Sophia transmitted to Bervely since his childhood).

Bervely feels a little tired this morning, but our dear handsome black guy is still determined with the idea of going to his 8th school day. ( he stands up and look at the time on his phone, it indicates that it's 6:08 am ). Some minutes later, Bervely move to the bathroom to take a shower. In the bathroom Bervely perform's a mindset rooting which is a daily motivation he frequently do every morning while looking at his self in the mirror of his bathroom.
« Today is a new day, same goals to achieve but renewed determination ( smile's and say ) positive mindset, positive vibes let my aura vibrate of love and joy ».
After saying his daily motivation, Bervely brush  his white well build teeth's and takes his shower in a melodious manner.

(Bervely phone's rings, it's Sophia his mom. He pick's up the phone call )

«Good morning mama!, how're you doing ?»
                                    «I'm fine honey, hope you're all right do you're eating normally my big baby ? Your mama is worried you know, I tried to call you so many times yesterday but no responds what's wrong ?»

«Don't worry mama! I'm sorry for not responding to your call,  everything is okay I was just with George ( "oh no no" in a whisper ) 
Mama everything is okay I eat normally I was just a little tired »

                                           «George ? Who's he my love ? ( with a curios voice tone) is he handsome ? What age is he ? Is he kind ? Tell me honey....»

«No no mama Eliot George is just one of my new classmates, he just wanted me to take him round the town because he is new here and yes mama from what I saw  he's kind and handsome since you want to know »

( Sophia wants to make a video call but Bervely is actually naked and refuses to switch to video call )
                                           «what's wrong my little heart»

«mama I'm naked I'm just out of the bathroom »

(Sophia laughs loudly for a moment,Bervely too)
                                          «what're you hiding from your mama? It's fun my little heart is know a grown handsome man»

(Bervely smiles and say......)

«oh mama I love you but I have to drop off the call if I want to arrive on time at the university you know, have a nice day mama love you 🤍»

                                           «okay honey I understand, have a nice day my little love you too my little heart show them how brave and intelligent are the Flowerways love you baby ✨»

«thanks love you mama🤍»

(Drops the call....)

Bervely dress up and and take a little breakfast and take's his textbook and some notes on few papers.

(Pimmm! A message from George)

~ Good morning Bervely! Hope you're alright, ready for today ? I'm on my way to USTHU, would you like me to drive you to school?~ ( this is the message George just send to Bervely in the green app dm)

(Bervely takes his textbook and put it in his back.(taking his phone, he reads George message on the screen of his phone without opening it for no appropriate reason decides not to reply and move's out of his apartment.)
In Bervely's mind he doesn't understand why George is so affectionate toward him, but in the deep of his mind refuses to see the clear truth we already know....
Bervely decides to take a metro then some minutes later we see George's white car passing in-front of the F building then continues toward brightmillo avenue where USTHU is situated.

(A noisy classroom then suddenly whispers when Dr J Samantha walks into the classroom, she's wearing a with cloths just like the one doctors dress with,  she wears a paire of white basket shoes 👟 .)
« please please please! My dear students let's concentrate on our day topic»
" what's the importance of the first baby cry's immediately after his coming out of the woman's uterus?"
«Then our second topic is ...»
" what's the importance of a pediatrician in the health domain and what's expected from a pediatre "
« okay I want each and everyone to participate in this exercise, I wanna see all the researches each and everyone of you made on your various tables, you have two minutes to reflect all over your various researches »....


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