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After my encounter with Xavier, I spend most of my days in Roman's bedroom. At first it felt like Roman was the only person that's out to get me but now, I think Xavier is too. No one looks at someone they don't know with such malice unless they've been wronged.

The thought has me thinking - did my father do more than sell drugs on territory that wasn't his? What could've he done?

Carmen didn't deserve to die, his words cling to me along with the repulsive look on his face. I've learned a lot about my family the last three years but would my father kill a little girl? He had one of his own. And, the way he worshipped my mother with nothing but love for her, I couldn't image him hurting a woman.

But one area of his business was sex trafficking.

Oh god, I don't know what to think.

Turning my attention back to the sketchpad, I look at the aerial view of the estate. Whilst hiding from Roman, I've made a map of the place and marked out all possible escape routes. Unfortunately, I've only marked out one exit - the front gate and it's heavily guarded.

Once again, my hope deflates and I'm left with a useless sketching. I rip the map out the pad and crush it in my palm in frustration. Arthur's words ring in my head - this is more secure than the Alcatraz. I scoff at his confidence and ego. Then scoff at myself for believing I could find a way out.

Giving up, I finally exit the bedroom and groggily make my way downstairs. It's quiet, I notice. I don't hear the sound of Nina fussing around in the kitchen. But when I step inside, I see a woman standing by the fridge.


"Hello," she says once she spots me standing by the door. She takes out a carton of orange juice and drinks it from the box as if she's done it so many times before.

Unlike the other times I've seen her, her hair isn't in a tight bun behind her head. Instead it falls straight past her shoulders. Her outfit looks unkept, the buttons of her blouse undone at the top and the bottom isn't tuck in her long pencil skirt.

Her wine coloured lipstick is smeared on her lips and the foundation on her nose has wiped off.

She looks like she just had wild sex.

Inez comes to stand in front of me and suddenly I feel intimidated; like a small child standing off with a grown up.

"I didn't know Roman liked blondes." She comments, "He had always been into brunettes. Always had one on his arm when he makes his rounds at the nightclubs and casino he owns."

I fidget under her stare.

"Is Roman around?" I ask; hating how small and delicate voice comes out. "Or Nina?"

"You're his wife, don't you know his routine." She points out. I shake my head; I know nothing about his business since we don't really do much talking. Inez laughs, almost mockingly, "Are you sure you two are married?" Then her dark eyes falls to my fingers. "You don't even have a ring. I guess he's not that serious about you." She smiles
with a cunning glint, "The women of the Cartel would love to hear that."

Defend yourself, I scream in my head. But I don't have a snarky comeback and I rather not scoop so low and mock her looks. Besides, there is nothing to mock, Inez is beautiful.

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